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Emotional qualities of the individual

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Emotional qualities of the individual. 
In the process of growing up under the influence of external conditions, genetic backgrounds, young people form strong emotional qualities - emotional characteristics and personality traits. It is important to note that, often, they just formed, that is, spontaneously, and themselves. For example, the emotional characteristics of students - those fans of TV shows like "Behind Glass", "House -2, soap operas and the like, can be characterized as: emotional irritability, reactivity, affektirovannost. Of course, nobody is about scientific research on this subject, but encountering another shrill lady, ask what she looks on TV, I think you can guess the answer in advance. But today's students, this is tomorrow - the managers, with their developed, features and personality traits that are sure to show up in the course of employment. Perhaps this explanation of the dual situation where employers say they do not have enough high-quality managers, and the country's hundreds of thousands of graduates who can not get a desired job or do not meet the requirements for employees with decent salary. Therefore, the emotional qualities of personality, often directly affect the success in the labor force and, accordingly, the level of income.
Such personality traits as emotional anxiety or affektirovannost, can be compensated for the generally low emotional tone, not high-reaction force, and emotional stability. Everything is determined by the desire of the human impact on their emotional sphere of life, to manage it. Well said N. Dorizo: "If the maximum complexity, the approach to the problem still one desire is a lot of opportunity, not desire - a variety of reasons."
Emotional qualities affect the general mental image of the person to form - an emotional type of person. There are several types: emotional, sentimental, passionate, frigid (cold).
Emotional type. 
People emotionally impressionable and easily excitable, often on minor events, words, react impulsively, screaming, cry, become aggressive. Their actions caused a state of emotional affect, deep experience, not always admit they were wrong, prove otherwise. Do not make conclusions for the future by repeating the inadequate emotional response.
Managers with this type of personality, as a rule, may advance in career growth solely due to the highest professionalism, they are allowed to behave too emotionally as long as it does not affect the performance, a positive emotional attitude the whole team. As soon as the "emotional hooliganism" does more harm than the manager brings benefits to companies from such a worker trying to get rid of, just his emotional imbalance is costly for the employer.
Sentimental type. 
Such people are more passionate about their emotions and feelings that are not associated with behavioral activity. They are prone to introspection. World for them presented through the prism of their current emotional states. These people can be called sensuous passive, they admire their emotions, which often depict for himself.
Managers with such an emotional type of personality can not ignore emotions and other people. Although they can, and sometimes even notice that the client is nervous, but for them the main ego feelings.
Passionate type. 
These are people emotionally mobile, all done with perseverance, hard living, bright rich life. Be sure to find their passion, which is given to her passionately. His abundant energy they spend in full, accompanied indefatigable activity powerful emotional charge. Content of their passionate enthusiasm does not really matter, it can be a great project to create a large holding company, or hunting for hippo, all they will do an emotionally vivid.
Managers with such emotional personality type may be outstanding managers, but it might as well be able to destroy any stable operating companies if they do not control their emotional energy sober and logical calculations. For them useful control on the side to compensate for the frantic activity of emotional stability.
    Frigid type. 
    This is not a curse. Frigid emotional type - people cold reason. Their emotional displays are poorly expressed, and they often do not understand other people, that show a more vivid emotional expression. There are difficulties with empathy to other people, because adherence to the experiences of a man is more emotional level than on the logical-judiciously.
    Managers with such an emotional type of personality can be very useful in analytical work, but they are unlikely to be leaders and good communicators. People with this type of emotional response are experiencing serious difficulties in the management team.  
    It is rare to meet a clearly defined emotional personality type. More common mixture of different options with the presence of a facilitator. For example, the frigid type can get very passionate, even when the news of the withdrawal of premium, or passionate, but very tired like sentimental. Moreover, taking into account the specific conditions of the emotional quality may vary. If a person is highly motivated to prove themselves and earn money, he will adjust to the established companies in order and rhythm of work by the rule of corporate culture.
    Indicative of one case. The girl graduated from university, she was intelligent, learning was easy, so did not bother, she loved to sleep, often late, strong emotions on her face reflected rare. The young lady belonged more to the frigid emotional type of person. But when got a job in a very large and fairly well-known company, you first noticed it a good, competent and professional reports, and then increased, did fine, but the head. Here and the problems started. Head, oddly enough better to manage that is to influence other people, which includes, inter alia, skill, smile, frown, show joy, anger, frustration, kindness, support, and other interesting emotions. The question arose as follows, or all of these emotions need to learn or retire, that promised the following consequences. The loss of a good salary, the inability to pay the loan for an apartment, the end of a career in business which

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