Emotions and feelings - this is man's relation to the world
To understand what kind of person in front of you, you must first pay attention to the way he expresses his emotions, the feelings it is dominated by, and what is not developed. After all, emotions and feelings - this is man's relation to the world , an expression of his desires and interests. You can draw a conclusion about the nature of human learning that makes him positive emotions, and that is the subject of negative emotions. According to a person's ability to express their emotions, we divide the people on the emotional and unemotional. The first are sensitive to events around them, their perceptual world is diverse, they express their attitude towards the world and others through all kinds of emotions - anger, sadness, longing, affection, etc.
There is a perception that people are emotionally easier to communicate to them easier to approach. They do not need to ask, like if they just watched a movie or a new employee, who came to your enterprise. Bedevil their emotions themselves digging out. Emotional man in a hurry to tell about their experiences and feelings. It certainly makes communication with them attractive: with them is always interesting. But sometimes too much emotion is an irritant to others. If the emotions do not give the person to calm down, he needs to for someone to throw out. Emotional people are constantly looking object, which could dump the cargo impressions of the only experienced a conversation with the head or from a quarrel with a clerk in the store.
Such an obsession, emotional outbursts can not only annoy you, but the cause of your emotional exhaustion (as if you yourself experience the emotions of a stranger). Giperemotsionalnye people tend to express their emotions, regardless of the desire of others to listen to them - for them it is vitally important. But for others is not always pleasant, especially if emotions are negative. How to communicate with the emotional and sverhemotsionalnymi people? Above all, remember that they need to be heard, they need to express everything that has accumulated. Therefore, you should listen to them, but do not get carried away themselves and their experiences. Be a little selfish: Pretend that you listen to them and absorbed their emotional story, but in any case, do not take all heard close to the heart. Emotional people tend to exaggerate. If their tale was long, do not be afraid to stop them, stop, citing his busy schedule.
How to communicate with unemotional personalities
We can be difficult to understand human feelings, to understand its relation to surrounding objects, and to ourselves, if he does not openly express their emotions. Unemotional people seem to be mysterious and secretive us the impression that they have something evil in mind. Not for nothing are the best spies and secret agents speak fluent skill to hide their emotions. The ability to hide their feelings makes a person virtually invulnerable: we can not understand what kind of person in front of us, so begin to fear him. Sometimes we have to study it for a long time before it becomes clear how it relates to one or another phenomenon, person or event. Emotions of another person give us a good idea of his inner world: we can determine what he lives, how he felt. But if our interlocutor stingy in terms of their emotional experiences, then we become uncomfortable in his company, we do not know what to expect.
In fact, unemotional people do not conceal, nothing to hide from others, they just used differently to express their attitude to the world: not through emotion and thought through. The complexity of communication with the unemotional people for the most part exaggerated. Indeed, the people of this type did not immediately reveal their feelings on them is not easy to determine how they relate to others: they are skillfully hide their sympathy or dislike. Unemotional person - is, as a rule, people with well-developed intellectual sphere - they have little sense, but a good idea, they prefer to express their views on what is happening, all is well weighed and analyzed. Their attitude toward the world is always more thoughtful and informed than people emotional. Approach to such people find quite simple - they just need to push to the story of his experiences. Try to ask them about what they think on a particular occasion. In a conversation with the people of this type should not resort to matters relating to the assessment of their emotional perception, it is easier to express their attitude to the subject of conversation as unemotional and well-reasoned conclusions.