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Employed Parents

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Employed Parents

Often you can find a situation where the family communicate with the child is reduced almost to a minimum. This, unfortunately, a widespread phenomenon of modern reality: the accelerated pace of life, professional employment of working mothers who do not always have enough time not only to communicate with the child, but also to perform household chores. In the evenings, busy parents are always some things around the house in which the child takes no part. More often he just say that it does not interfere, he played in another room.

Many parents, providing your child the best conditions of life, worrying about his health, and lose sight of the need of every child in close contact with his mother and father. Parents bought him a lot of beautiful and interesting toys or any pet, but would not interfere, not bothering with the constant questions. Here is a child and played alone in his room or in his children's corner. Parents at home, but the kid does not feel their presence - they are not with him, and somewhere nearby, each his own affairs. Such parental love is very one-sided, it is devoid of feelings. A child suffers from it. After the game, no matter how entertaining they were, and "dialogue" with the four-legged friend is no substitute for communication with parents.

Even an adult person is experiencing a natural need to express their own emotions. The child does this need much more - it just begins to live, every day, every minute of his life brought him many new, interesting and unusual! The kid just need to share experiences, feelings, emotions ... But he was all alone with no one speaks, and he was constantly having to restrain his emotions arise. Imagine this situation: an excited toddler with a happy shiny little eyes ran up to the Pope, nestled in an armchair with a newspaper, and shows him his picture: "Daddy, look what I drew a tank!"
Dad, not looking up from his reading, said: "You're a fine fellow!" The kid did not let up: "Dad, you did not even look!" A minute later, looking up from his lessons, Dad throws a quick glance at the paper, which keeps baby in hand, and says: "Beautiful." Boy asked: "Dad, come on little porisuem together." And in response to hearing: "We'll see about that tomorrow, but now my father once, do not bother" - and turns on the TV. Further entreaties baby daddy stubbornly refuses to listen, and boy, his head bowed, her eyes full of tears, trudges to his room.

This situation is not trivial, it can vary up to infinity: in place of Pope might be mum on the spot boy - girl, instead of watching TV may be iron, mild rejection may be replaced by shouting rude or cuffs. General remains alone: the reluctance of parents to hear their child, which he suppresses his natural desires and emotions. Such a restriction manifestations of emotion can seriously damage not only the overall development of your baby, but his health, because even an adult, doctors recommend from time to time to splash out their emotions in order to prevent nervous disorders.

Note, however, that in this situation is important and how often to repeat such a scene. Employed parents came from work, still need to do some household chores, in addition, they also need rest. And if such situations were rare and random nature, the reasons for special concern. Excessive concern about the child, the constant, sometimes even obsessive attention to it often brings to his or her education, indirectly affect the welfare of family climate, on ways to communicate with the child.

The child must understand that parents have certain responsibilities that must be met: if the mother ceases to wash or cook dinner and go play with it, from it will be all bad, and he himself, too - have to walk in dirty clothes, to stay hungry. The kid has to understand that everyone has the right to rest and pastime - the parents are tired from work and household chores, and if they are not at least a little rest, they can become seriously ill ... The main thing - do not yell at the child and try to make him a calm soft voice.

A child needs parental care and love

Child is important to communicate with parents not only to give vent to their own emotions, but also to constantly feel a sense of security. A child coming into this vast and incomprehensible to him the world needs the support of parents, he just needs to know and to feel somewhere close by are mom and dad who will protect, will help at any moment, get rid of suddenly surging fear. A sense of peace of mind of what next pope - the most powerful man on earth and mom - the most kind and affectionate of all mothers, is of great importance for the full development of the child.

Constant desire to get rid of the parents of the child causes the child less often turns to them with its own, seemingly insignificant, problems, and the result is already in the very near future, parents and children have nothing to talk about, nothing to share, there will be nothing trust. After all, a child from an early age he used to solve their "problems", knowing that the mother or father still told him that they have no time, they have no time for such nonsense. Day after day hearing those answers parents, seeing their constant rush, the inability or unwillingness to break away from their problems and concerns, the child becomes accustomed to the games alone and do not even tries to get close to her parents.

This experience gained in their own family, carrying a baby and a wider range of communication when the child begins to communicate with others outside the family home. Fearing that he would not listen, do not understand, do not want to play with him, the child can not find common language with their peers, as a result of refusing to go for a walk, sitting at home watching TV or in his room, surrounded by favorite toys. Love for the child is not only of feelings for him. It also covers the scope of parental desires: the desire to create his best living conditions, promote the formation of his personality.

 A specific feature of parental love can be assumed that these desires and aspirations are active, energetic nature. Parents not only want to ensure that their child is growing and developing the best possible way, but also feel responsible for his upbringing. Not always, though, their methods of education agreed. And the unequal treatment to a child of individual family members for a baby is extremely harmful. Imagine that the Pope demands unconditional obedience from the child, can not tolerate the slightest objection, my mother can also be persuaded, pity, and nothing about my grandmother and say nothing - turns any desire favorite grandson or granddaughter. Each of "teachers" believed their methods only correct and often on this occasion arise between them quarrel. Sometimes figuring out who is right and who is wrong, is in front of the child, causing irreparable damage to its development. Considering itself the cause of discord and strife loved ones, the child "goes to himself," tries to come across as less as possible on the eyes and over time so locked in myself that to rectify the situation is very difficult.

Faced with such situations, the child tries to adapt, how is your child's favorite position, but at the same time, repulsive, desirable, but would have too much, everybody and always interfering, that parents give so much - good food, nice clothes , wonderful toys, entertaining, and sometimes costly game, but deny them the basic necessities - an elementary communication, warmth and cordiality. Lack of expression of parental affection and love is gradually turning the baby in a closed "beech".

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