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Energovampirizm dead

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Energovampirizm dead
Everything seems to know that the health of Earth's population has not improved, despite the continuous development of new drugs, new medical knowledge, improved surgical procedures. It is believed that most diseases begin in the energy field and gradually descends into our physical body. Clean and high energy layer - protection against many diseases. Reducing energy layer often occurs as a result of energy vampirism. Energovampirizm - permanent withdrawal of energy by one person, often a patient who is already accustomed to live at the expense of others.

 Forces the donor - a man who is forced to permanently give up their energy, exhausted, he lives in a state of chronic stress and ready to get sick of any disease, in particular one to which more is located. Very frequent colds, as a protective layer of energy is directly related to the immune system. Suffering from cardio-vascular system, there are asthmatic effects, allergic reactions, it is - a disease of energy-deficiency. But often when there is no vampire specific diseases, but forces - too. To stop energovampirizm, we must "treat" the patient, using information appliances, so that he could to turn out the energy and (or) take it from a single source of love.

Burial vampires

There is another kind of energovampirizma, "burial". This occurs when a person died, but he preserved the etheric body, which requires charging from living relatives. This is the most powerful form of communication channel with the Vampire, which is difficult to break. The etheric body can not break up, especially if the person has died from cancer or death occurred suddenly and were karmic debts. Often this happens when someone commits suicide or even when life used to select the energy of their relatives.
Loss of loved ones, of course, always a tragedy. And when people in their great sorrow beg gone - do not leave me, stay here, the soul can actually stay in the etheric body. And start to hurt the living. And not just hurt, and wither, to wilt, suffer from unexplained illnesses, which can not diagnose any doctor. This is the "tomb" link.

Physical plane departed decayed, and ethereal plan their lives by living donor. Whereas it should cease to exist on the ninth day. What does this mean? Violation of the commandment "Thou shalt not steal." A energovampiry just steal someone else's energy. Any violation of the Laws of the Cosmos is accompanied by the opening of karmic account, he scored his soul. But the soul of the departed can not work out this sin, since it requires manifest a physical body, which she does not. Who else is karmic account? Living relatives, which takes energy. So he suffers doubly: he has shown power, depriving his health, but still, this energy becomes torn and accessible for entering the rough, dark energy is due to open karmic account.

Let go of the world

How can remove the "grave" vampirism? Only one way: to destroy the etheric plane died. Only after this the soul of the deceased leaves the tomb and goes to its destination, and the donor finally finds the strength and health.

The man is a producer of information and live in the information sea, from which derives its strength and knowledge. We now need more than ever, need the knowledge of who we are, why we came into this world, why leave. Leave us, as a rule, when worked out a karmic contract, when fulfilled the purpose of this life. Already be aware that there is no death, there is a transition from one life to another. The man, who had gone before here, there, sees the mountain of relatives and decides to stay. It is high time we understand what a different world. This world, by the way, more prosperous than we do. In the world we are gods, but after birth, we have forgotten. The outgoing person simply resets physical shell because there is not need it. It can then become an angel, especially with their relatives, or he can move to another physical body, and can permanently stay in the "other" world.

Properly say goodbye to the departed in India. Hindus burn the dead body on a pyre. On the third day after the cremation of close relatives selected from the bonfire bones and ashes, and with appropriate ceremonies is lowered into a river.

In the undated part of the Tale of Bygone Years Old Russian burial rite is described as follows: "If anyone umirahu, tvoryasche feast on them. Sowing and tvoryahu put great and vozlazhahut and treasure, dead sozhzhahu, and on September sobravshe bone vlozhahu in sudinu little, and iostavlyahu on a pillar at iuteh.

Alien does not need!

There are some people who are incomprehensible power leads to the cemetery, but there they feel a special peace. And it is a dangerous case. Cemeteries dirt accumulates energy in the form of crude energy, infrared, red and orange. You can pick up someone else's burial dependence. This faceless vampirism really take off (with candles, prayers, church attendance), but if it is not removed, it can lead to serious problems with energy. Once a young woman said that her generation accursed, and it must be 40 times every day to put a candle for the repose and ask forgiveness for the race. She did just that, but more and more lost health - pale, tired easily, I felt sick and exhausted. Rod it had no curse, she told the truth, but as a result she gained a strong relationship burial, which is difficult to remove. Be careful listening to predictions psevdoyasnovidyaschih and fortune-tellers.

We are surrounded by a angelic "layer." And this is our invisible helpers. We only ask for their support. Thoughts turn to the angels, the saints, to whom you feel the location.

There are contraindications. Consult with your doctor.
Ask from the heart. You can forget about the request, but believe that the invisible helpers started its execution.

Do not change your desires and dreams every day, otherwise you will confuse your assistants. If you will be lonely, sad, close your eyes and you will feel the presence of an invisible friend.

Now we come to new knowledge about man, about his undeveloped bodies of power. This century is the century of energy and bioinformation - age people with high energy and clean with subtle vibrations, which will open the opportunity for close human contact with the Galaxy, the Universe, with the universal information will be protected from disease, from the dark and low energies. The time has come to know about yourself and the world more. It is necessary to survive in the XXI century.

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