Energy Food
Man can not exist without food, it is important to him as well as water and air. Food is one of our lifeblood, we want it so we can replenish the vital energy that every day we are squandering. Let's try to consider our food from the standpoint of the ancient science of Feng Shui.
Feng Shui everything that surrounds us is composed of five elements, such as wood, fire, earth, metal and water. All these elements are contained in living organisms and inanimate objects. According to the teachings of Feng Shui to be healthy and successful need to maintain a balance between these five elements. Our health depends on harmony of energy, so when we eat foods that are lacking in some of these five elements, the energy that we obtain in this case, it is not only useful, it becomes negative.
This leads to what we get sick. Ill not only our body, our soul is also infected. We suddenly become irritable, unbalanced, can get depressed, become intolerable for his family and loved ones. To deal with our ailments will help the right products, which make up the missing items, will help restore the balance. In addition to the five elements that make up everything around us tremendous value for our body and our soul is the energy balance of yin and yang.
Thanks to Feng Shui, we can determine which energy in our lives are in abundance, and conversely what we lack. To create a balance, we can increase the number of products that contain missing us energy, and vice versa to consume fewer of those products whose energy is in abundance.
All the products we use can be divided into three groups: yin, yang and neutral. Of course such a division is conditional, because there are so many products with intermediate states. If you know what energy is in itself one or another product you can easily pick up the sort of diet that will solve your health problems, feel better and will also optimally meet your individual needs.
Any hot, spicy, fatty, fried, and foods of animal origin is well-defined energy yang. Products and dishes yang empower people by force, activity, improve blood circulation. Dish cool, thin, soft, as well as herbal carry the energy yin. They tell us not to confer discretion, cooled our ardor, relax. Foods with neutral properties usually consists of products carrying the energy of yin and yang.
Now let's try to assess their health and emotional state. If you constantly feel tired, freezing and emotionally depressed, you may have low blood pressure - all of this suggests that the excess in your diet products with Yin energy. To improve your health you will need the active yang energy. To fill the missing energy you need to add to your diet fried foods such as chicken, fish, red. Any meat products, whether it's homemade sausage or roast. It is desirable to spice up these meals with something sharp.
Hot coffee also carries the active yang energy as red juice, and red wine. Once you fill up your diet with these products, you immediately feel a surge of energy. Keep track of your feelings, the main thing is not to overdo it. After all, if the energy of Jahn's too much, depression and apathy replaced by irritability, a desire to quarreling, insomnia, etc. Also, an overabundance of products with energy yang can lead to constipation, digestive problems. Listen to your feelings, energy, calms and relaxes the yin, yang energy gives vitality, raises the tone.
Our life is dynamic and rapidly, we hurry, we want to always keep up with often unaware that our body is difficult for such a rhythm. From what we are doing everything fast - we have breakfast on the fly, no time to eat properly, we prefer a hot bowl of soup sandwich, give preference to semi-finished products, not foods of plant origin. All of these factors, unfortunately, do not add to our health.
Unfortunately, because of our employment, we choose the wrong foods that are beneficial and those that can be very fast to cook and eat. Easier for us to eat a sausage sandwich, you make a salad of vegetables. Coming home is easier to quickly reheat burgers than to put out vegetables, etc. As a result, our diet full of foods with Janska energy, which is what it makes us unnecessarily harsh and irritable.
To restore the energy balance through food, you need to revise your diet and make any products such as boiled fish, steamed vegetables, salads predominantly green, white, yellow, not red. Cucumbers, seaweed, green tea, crab meat - all the products that are soothing and relaxing meal.
Listen to your body to your feelings if you do not find yourself calm, you can not sleep well, you can not relax too sore a continuous flow of thoughts you can not manage - you like anyone else, it makes sense to introduce into your diet foods that are energy yin. Believe me, the flow of soft and relaxed strength will not keep long in coming. Very soon come peace, balance and peace. That is how power manifests itself yin.
If we turn to Chinese cooking, you can find many different dishes, which were chosen in such a way that they combine and wonderful flavor and color, and method of cooking so that the dish carried a harmony of energy for humans.
Following Feng Shui can choose to accept such products that will help improve health, mood and well-selected therapeutic diets can help relieve many ailments. Of course, picking up food for themselves is best to consult with an expert in feng shui, but if this is not possible, you can equip special literature and do it yourself. Most importantly, listen carefully to your feelings and your state of health in order to properly use the power of the energy needed to have a sense of proportion and then the harmony will settle permanently in your life!