To live the human life with all comforts..person should be healthy first.Healthy does not mean that you are healthy by body .But you should be free from all diseases mentally and physically.
you make yourself so fit that even a single disease could not harm you.
As well as healing is a process or restoration of all health and concentration which increase your health by reducing your all diseases been occoured.
It can be faccilated in many ways-

Spiritual Healing is concerned with the subtle energies that are not commonly discernable. Reiki and Pranic healing are two of the more common forms of this healing.
This two types of healing process can only applied in the presence of the healer or by distance.
We have to heal the negetive energy around us by postive thinking...be always a healthy person..to make our world secure and beautifull.

We have to heal all destructive energies around us and ourselves by given the right information and circumstances.
There are different types of healing process like food healing or physical healing is a type of healing process.
By taking good amount of food because it contain lots of carbohydrates and vitamins to make our body fit.So by healing process we can increase our life span.