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Energy vampires

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Energy vampires

We can not always determine the danger posed by the person. On the surface it may be completely normal, but after talking with him we begin to feel completely overwhelmed and unable to carry out an activity, or it seems to us that we seemed to run, or the person we knew many years, suddenly breaks down and shows their latent abnormal side. How to determine whether this person is a danger to others and whether to avoid contact with him? A lot has been written in the psychological literature on this phenomenon, as energy vampirism. Energy vampires have unusual, even weird abilities: they can while communicating with you rob you of precious energy. How to recognize this man? How to protect yourself from its negative effects?

Identify people with the ability to absorb other people's energy challenge. On the surface they are nothing remarkable, and have no similarity to the mysticism of their relatives: they have no protruding fangs, they cast shadows and reflected in the mirror. Usually, these people are quite calm and balanced, they are almost impossible to deduce from them, they seem to be invulnerable. In conversation, they are friendly enough and may even seem cute. They have their own strange behavior: they are too curious, and want to know everything about you, pestered with questions about your personal life, they often seek to disrupt your intimate zone, trying to touch you. Some of them possess hypnotic powers: after a conversation with them you can not understand why a little-known man told about their problems. After a conversation with energy vampires you feel tired and lethargic, you think of you squeezed all the juice, you can spend several hours in the same position without desires, without thinking.
The best advice for communicating with people - avoid all contact with them. If you do not have this opportunity and this man, for example, your colleague or neighbor, then you need to protect themselves from its influence. First of all, do not let this person into your personal space, always take it from him at a distance. Would be great if you can avoid eye contact with him, then man-vampire can not use his hypnotic powers. Never be rude to your friend, and he shall bring groundless accusations. It can hold your anger at you, then it will be harder to protect themselves from its influence. You can talk to him about any extraneous things, but in any case, do not tell him about his personal life.

Such people are usually very good psychologists. They can hit you with their awareness of your problems. The circles under your eyes, they will realize that you spent a sleepless night, and the fact that your husband did not go after you for work as usual, they concluded yesterday that you are very serious fight. Do not fall for such tricks on their sham sympathy, I do not spread frankly, if you got to the core, be stronger, try to survive their grief without the help of such a person. Remember that knowing your problems and weaknesses, gives these people power over you in the future they will be able to use their knowledge to manipulate you. If you can hide your feelings, you are depriving "vampire" long-awaited energy recharge.
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