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Energy vampires in our midst

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Energy vampires in our midst

Many have heard about this type of people who are fueled by a foreign power, they're called energy vampires. Energy vampires are divided into two types - the first type are people who know that they take someone else's energy, and the second type - people who know nothing about her features - "Unconscious vampires."

Fueled by the energy of man can from everything - be it trees, rocks, you can increase your energy doing special exercises, doing things you love, but the easiest way to fill in the missing energy - taking it from others. So, for example, "unconscious energy vampire" without knowing "glued" to the first that fell on his arm.

As a rule, energy vampires take in people with high energy, as nourished by a man who is very strong energy rather than just, there must be approached with skill. A lot of "unconscious vampires" among people who love quarreling. They cause a partner to strong emotions during the scandal fueled his energy, and then put up some time for all good and everyone is happy. As soon as the vampire feels lack of energy, he again provoked a loved one in a scandal, etc.

Energy vampires, as a rule, people anxious, they love controversy, trying to cause a person's emotions and cause a human resentment: That is, they say, you do not appreciate about your foot wipe, you deserve more, etc. Preferably with such people not to get involved in the emotional debate, if you notice that communication with that person always goes through the same circuit - you are trying to stir the emotions, try to avoid this person.
If the deal has to work or is it your loved one to not give your energy to go to him during intercourse slowly open and close fists, breathing quietly, read a prayer to himself or the multiplication table, become distracted from the conversation - this will help control emotions. Closed wear pastel colors and decorations made of natural stones can also help save energy. If you know that your energy is weak, wearing amulets or talismans.

There, among the "unconscious vampires and pretty quiet type of people they do not like a fuss, but love to lament the fate and talk about their sores. This type of vampire is a strong emotion in a different way - through your sympathy. Therefore, if your neighborhood has the kind of person who always "breaks" for pity, try to remain in communion with him emotionally closed and quiet sympathy, but do not take their problems to heart.


If the energy vampire communicates with his victim for a long time - it could be your loved one, an employee at work, neighbors, etc. he establishes with her energy relationship, which is called "binding". It is believed that such "binding" as an energy bundle is attached to the knees or the solar plexus, sometimes it can be big toes.

If a person is very sensitive it is in these places can feel the cold, it may seem that this place is something follows. If you experience something like that, spend the dry hand over his face counterclockwise, like washing up. Do this several times a day - this will increase your energy. The stronger it is, the harder it will be a vampire you have to pick up.

"Anchors" should not be afraid, because fear makes our energy weak. Going to church and praying also save you from the binding and increase your energy. Light a home church candles, and ask someone to "clean up" your church candle, it's not complicated. A man leads a candle from the top down, first cleanse you in the front, then back usually when there are problems with energy and a candle smokes heavily.

To protect themselves from any "binding" try not to attend meetings of people who engage in the work-energy person, unless you're not going to do it seriously. It is not necessary to attend such events out of idle curiosity.

Sexy vampire

Most fatal women are sexy "vampires", they seduce men, taken away from their families, take away all their vitality and eventually drop out. Man for a long time can not deviate from this connection, constantly thinking about this woman, by hook or by crook tries to renew the broken relationship.

With a woman like a man continues to associate "Binding", thanks to which it is fed its power, and he was "wasting away" by it and transforming their lives and the lives of their loved ones in a nightmare. Such a man, first of all, you need to get rid of the "binding" consolidating their own power, and to try something to distract and occupy their thoughts not to think about this woman.

There are men - sexy "vampires", usually a ladies' man who frequently change partners. They devastate a woman morally relationship with this man "tied" to the tumultuous emotions. And he's the only thing that you need. Protection in this case, as the usual energy vampire, strengthens energy, clean it, and try as quickly as possible to forget this man. The more you nurture hope and wait, the harder it will get rid of the "binding".

When a person has strong energy he was not afraid of not only the energy vampires, but any negativity that comes from another person, usually people with good energy do not have health problems. To restore their energy quite difficult, a huge energy boost yields physical work, dancing, singing and drawing, communion with nature, it suffices to two hours a day for a walk in the park or in the woods.

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