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Energy vampirism and protection from it

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Energy vampirism, and protection from it
The word "vampire" suggests the terrible thought of Count Dracula, Demons. But now the real vampirism is far from fantastic. Just some people have the ability to "suck" energy from others, not against them having any real protection ...

Energy vampires often come into close contact with one victim, whose soon begin to show the classic signs of "exhaustion" of energy. These include: general weakness, lethargy, apathy, exhaustion, pallor, feeling of weakness. Usually the victims are people who are easily suggestible.

Most energy vampires - it's friendly, in general, normal people who had the unfortunate Sia share. Endlessly complaining about their fate, and in November, they suck the energy resources of sympathizers of the victims. Sometimes it is enough simply to interrupt the relationship with them to the victim's immediate sign of positive change.

Factor contributing to weaning energy, is the proximity of two people. Daily close contact leads to the development of psychic bond between the members of a pair of vampire - the victim. They even begin to guess the future actions of each other. Some may attribute it to good knowledge of the habits and behavior of a partner.

Shall not deny such an influence, but the main role here is still playing BWE, providing ingress under the influence of emotions and thoughts of another person if he, that the other is strong, substantial personality.

In general, people can be divided into three kinds: giving, and taking a neutral energy. This division is slightly arbitrary, since Under certain conditions, even the apparent "donor" can take energy from one who has it so far anymore. But we will not go into details, the boee that these cases are not so common. The most frequently vampirism takes place between husbands and wives, mothers and daughters. Anyone who has ever requires you to time and attention and leave exhausted after talking with him, can be considered an energy vampire. And if they are members of your own family, the fundamental solution to the problem without breaking the permanent relations do not exist.

Another thing is when the vampires appear in your life's horizon, only occasionally: the dominance boss or unpleasant co-workers at work, casual acquaintances, arrogant traders in the market, etc. If you see exhaustion, after communicating with those, it is better to try to restore the lost energy. How? Best protected people from the vampires trained in such techniques as Cosmoenergy. They have the protection and access to infinite sources of energy, to address the problem. Kosmoenerget able to either prevent the outflow of energy from him, either quickly fill the resulting damage.

What do those who have not yet trained kosmoenergetiki or similar techniques? It is worth to bring the old parable of the history of Chinese Wushu. The old masters of wushu decided not to participate in combat. But then a young soldier came to call the master to a duel. Faced with rejection, he began to provoke the wizard. Old master was sitting and did not react to the words of a young bugger who tried to hurt him to the quick. He was insulted, and the master and all his family in every way. Master patiently demolished all the insults. In the end, the warrior is gone, having failed to obtain his own. The disciples asked in bewilderment master why he had not rebuffed the abuser, but he answered a question with a question:

- If someone wants to make you a gift and you refuse to accept it, to whom it will belong to?

- Of course, someone who would like to donate, - answered the disciples.

- Similarly is the case with envy, malice and hatred, - said the master. - If you refuse to accept them, they will remain in others.

The essence of this method - the denial that comes from the aggressor. If you can remain indifferent to all provocations, including pity and compassion, your energy will stay with you.

What can be done to avoid losses if still failed, but kosmoenergetom you are not? The below exercise will contribute to balancing and restoration of psychic energy, "sucked" vampire.

It is convenient to lie down and close your eyes. Begin to relax deeper and deeper. Feel the warmth of the fingers of his legs and feet. "Translated" it is warm in the ankles, knees, and then let it remove any tension. Then, feel good, comfortable heat in the thighs and remove the tensions there.

Feel like heat in the stomach and release all the internal organs of any tension. Let the warmth will follow in the chest, then direct the flow into the throat, larynx, face. Then any tension disappears, you relax as deeply as possible. Once the relaxation is achieved, imagine any place or landscape, where you would like to be where you would have been nice and quiet. Now, mentally moving through the dimensions of space and time, go to your quiet secret place - a meadow, mountain, forest, seashore - the place where you feel the full safety and freedom. And here you are there - in a place that themselves created. Here you are free from any tension and full of quiet strength. This is your private sanctuary, where you are in harmony with the world. Your feelings are pure, you feel the psychological security and satisfaction. Try to feel what your body is transparent and has no clear outlines.

Stay in this state a few minutes, and when you're ready - go back into the world of reality. Exercise should you relax and energize, strengthen the aura, get rid of the energy suckers vampire - they fall off themselves as soon as your field is leveled and filled with renewed vigor.
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