Energy wildlife
With the onset of cold weather we fall immunity, we are overwhelmed by sadness and depression. During this period we begin to swallow handfuls of pills to enhance immunity as well as to cope with insomnia and stress. How can I help myself in the fall and winter without going through all this chemistry? I think you should pay attention to natural remedies to combat various diseases, as well our ancestors did.
Of course, many would prefer a pill, brewing herbs or energy drink - because it's faster, but we are talking about your health, so there are priorities should be placed not as fast, but it is helpful. Many believe that a tablet having the same chemical composition as a medicine of plant origin - is better. Pill you can drink at work and on the road, you will not tell about the broth and herbal infusions, for example. If we talk about comfort, then probably yes, the tablets did win, but, firstly, not all traditional medicines have counterparts in the tablets, and secondly, any tablet lacks the most important - power of herbs and minerals!
The energy of the earth and the sun is in the freshly prepared juices and vegetables, as well as the tinctures of herbs, it is this energy restores the energy balance of rights. In tablets, energy, wildlife, alas, no. Each vegetable or fruit has its own power. This energy is divided into male and female: the yin and yang. Yang energy - a force, activity, perseverance, courage. Yin energy - it's feminine, relaxed, calm. According to these characteristics are not hard to guess that in the winter and autumn, we should, as much as possible to use products with Janska energy, for the simple reason that in the cold season we lacked vitality.

The easiest way to keep yourself in good shape - it's energy drinks. Juices can be made from any fruit with Janska energy. How to determine from a fruit, what energy? It is rather simple. Anything brightly colored - is yang, pale green, yellow, white vegetables and fruits - is the yin. For example, lemon is the Yin energy, but the grapefruit and oranges - Yang. Among the vegetables, there are exceptions, such as garlic and onions, black, white and green radishes, turnips, Jerusalem artichokes. These vegetables can not be called brightly painted, and yet they are full of masculine energy.
If you're angry, and vice versa subject to constant stress, use the fruit cocktail with Yin energy. These cocktails you will be calm, and relaxing. By the fruits you can stretch carrot juice, tomato, etc. It depends on your tastes.
Completely reject products with Yin energy is not worth, just in the morning is preferable to choose foods with yang energy - so you get a charge of vivacity all day. And in the evening come home to relax and eat or drink something with Yin energy. Products such as eggs, beans, milk, cottage cheese - has properties of yin. If you fry product, then add to it the energy of fire, ie Jahn. If you cook or prepare for a couple - adds energy to the yin. Soups are meals with Yin energy, and the duck, shrimp, veal - Yang.
So, we decided what to eat to keep body in good shape and reduce stress. But relevant in the winter and autumn is a lifting of immunity. Various products and we can help. So that the body could withstand viruses and colds, it requires energy growth, which is in fruits and vegetables in the spring and summer. But, unfortunately, vegetables and fruits lose this kind of energy in the winter, despite the fact that vitamins and minerals in them are preserved. So when we eat in the winter potatoes, carrots or radishes, they can not fully strengthen our bodies.
But luckily there are products in which the energy of growth provides year-round - is any bean sprouts, beans, soya beans. These germs can be added to vegetable cocktails and salads. In the sprouts contain the energy of the sun - the energy of yang. In general, if we talk about energy products, Feng Shui every season has its own energy background. In accordance with this need to consume certain foods. Winter and autumn is more heavy food with the energy of yang. In spring and summer is an easy meal soups and steamed dishes with the energy yin.
Also do not forget about the medicinal plants of Feng Shui. Of course, this is the root of ginseng, which has the energy of Jahn and has restorative effects on the body, relieves depression, and also shown at various colds. Verbena also has the energy of yang, it will help to normalize sleep. Pennyroyal help from rheumatic and muscular pains.
Energy from the sun can give us in the fall and winter not only foods and herbs to our service tanning salon. True it requires moderation, conversation solar procedures should not exceed 7-10 minutes per day.
Do not forget the evening bath with sea salt - it is perfectly strengthens the immune system.
Another important point that we somehow forget. We often feel empty and broken not so much because of the season, but because of their own inability to protect the vital energy. We are recklessly wasting it on trifles, are nervous about and no reason, tearing, cheat themselves live under constant stress, etc.
Each time, mentally immersed in the disturbing situation, we leave it part of their energy. And then no wonder that we are divided, and the life we see it in black and white. You can recharge the body with energy plants, but to do it is useless if you continue to mindlessly consume it.
Is positive throughout, and even in the cold and wet weather. Should not be sad about the past summer and upset that lie ahead rain, sleet and cold. But what about the winter holidays? Ahead of us is waiting for St. Nicholas Day, New Year, Christmas, Valentine's Day, etc. The weather for yourself what we are doing themselves, so let's set up for the holidays! You can pre-purchase gifts, new clothes, prepare a script of New Year celebrations, writing greetings etc. Greater optimism and faith in the future, and then no, autumn, winter blues or you are not afraid!