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Enter a man in his shortcomings

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Enter a man in his shortcomings!

"In someone else's eye mote see, but in its timber will not notice." A familiar proverb? Everyone feels perfect. And men more so. Instead of silent point man on its shortcomings . In fact, each time stepping over yourself, you unknowingly enter themselves into a state of stress. It is better to try to fix it now, so you do not leave out the fact that you can not come to terms with his shortcomings. Often the cause of the conflict could serve as deficiencies of one or both partners. Man and woman are arguing precisely because they do not want to accept shortcomings of another, and about his personal will not hear. But, of course, the people on this earth without the drawbacks do not exist. All of us, men and women who are not without sin.

Many women who have complexes and they know about all their shortcomings, resign themselves to the idea that the perfect man without flaws, is simply impossible to meet. And the ideal people really do not, but strive for perfection no banned, and therefore each of us women have a chance to qualify for the perfect man. Because of their own low self-esteem and notorious complexes, most women look at the shortcomings of their partners through their fingers and indulge them unconditionally, thereby nurture in them a new, more serious flaws. A man accustomed to such attitudes and feels unpunished and omnipotent in relation to the woman, and the farther away - the worse. Sooner or later he will start cynical and disrespectful to treat not only the woman herself, but also to all the people around him, because it entertains the idea that he comes not so bad. So, dear women, pay attention to failures and unacceptable behavior of his men, however much you may love it, or could soon suffer from their kindness and forgiveness.
To not bring this situation to the conflict, try to deal with the man about his shortcomings in the beginning of your relationship. In this case, clearly define which of the deficiencies you will be able to accept and adopt them, and with what should by all means to fight. But do not build with the illusions: no one will be able to get rid of their bad habits within an hour after you identified him in these very shortcomings. For all takes time. Begin to eradicate its weaknesses need to competently quietly and discreetly - only then the results will be visible in the near future.

Define your untold dignity

You also have flaws! Take them for granted. Do not refuse, and try to fix it (of course, if it does not go against your principles). After all, what he considers disadvantage for others is your greatest advantage. The desire to make a good impression on a man is quite natural, but there is a danger to overdo it. From the outset, take care that your loved one does not appear in your account false illusions about your qualities, which in the future, often collapsing, and there comes a moment of frustration, and then - cool feeling, and only later it leads to the rupture of relations.

Never pretend to be what you are not in real life, even if it's someone you think is more attractive and interesting, and, consequently, have more to the liking of your chosen one. But also do not need to adhere to and the other extreme, ie show themselves "naked and unvarnished" as your most unattractive side should not be visible to anyone, and especially your partner, and it is therefore necessary to work on a day-to-day. Quite naturally, if you do not hurry to reveal all its flaws before the favorite, but worth bearing in mind that they can reveal themselves in front of him in your life together, because you'll spend more time together.
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