Erect cinquefoil (galangal) from the evil eye, damage
Root kalgan help from spoiling.
• tincture of the roots of Kalgan on vodka is good in cases where damage to induce impotence.
50g roots kalgan chop, pour 300ml of vodka, 10days to insist in a warm dark place, shaking occasionally. Drain. Take a teaspoon 3 times a day. Caution should be taken tincture of those who have high blood pressure.
• Before infusion kalgan men took as a safety tool, not to be spoiled witch.
• Who tongue hurts, you need to powder it sprinkle herbs on a daily basis.
• If septic wounds dry powder mixed with honey and applied to the sore spot.
• From diarrhea to take root tincture.
• If prostate in men tablespoon roots 2stakanami pour cold water. Boil 30 minutes over low heat, strain, divided into 3priema and drink during the day.
• infusion and decoction of the root is multiplied by a desire for men as well as contribute to strengthening the kidneys.
• Decoction of root strengthens the stomach relaxed.
• Painful menstruation in young women treated with a decoction of the roots of Kalgan.
• Broth kalgan good for the stomach, helps digestion, relieves pain in the kidneys.
• When the pain in his head to boil the root in wine and broth as a compress applied to the sore spot.
• Cracks in the skin of the hands, feet, lips treated with salve.
A glass of fresh butter to put in a glass jar and pour 1 spoon of powder 2stolovye roots. Bank to put in a water bath and let simmer on low heat for 1 hour. Remove from heat, cool. Ointment stored in the refrigerator.
• Decoction of roots and rhizomes used in a variety of chronic diarrhea, dysentery, gastric ulcer, various internal bleeding, heavy menstruation, liver disease, gout, and jaundice.
• Decoction of roots and rhizomes of well treat enteritis and enterocolitis.
• Externally a decoction of roots and herbs used for lotions, compresses and bathing, with bruises, sores, burns, various rashes, weeping eczema and other skin diseases, as well as mouthwash for stomatitis, gingivitis and sore throat.