Erotic provocation
Any textbook on deception suggests almost from the first second of your acquaintance with a man dreams begin to seduce him as much as possible. But whether it's true strategy? Lick his lips, stroking his thigh, lower a little straps, play with the shoe - which is not only nasovetuyut women's magazines and amateur psychologists. It is believed that the entire arsenal of "proven" methods should work for you while dating a man. But is it really?
Sexuality - a subtle and peculiar thing. Each girl on the nature inherent in its own special erotic. That identity makes us a provocative and vivid. I have quite a lot of shy friends. Of those who shyly smiles at the slightest halter poured paint her cheeks. They do not lick the lips and perfectly without lustful looks, but for all that do not lack for male attention. Why? Yes because they stick naturally and organically.
On relaxed and sincere in expressing their feelings of girls will always be in great demand. Unable to learn tricks of seduction. After all, sexuality - that is what is in each of us by nature. Accordingly silly to waste time, taking over the notorious provocative gestures and rehearsing lustfully screwed-up views. Girls who own these classic techniques of seduction, they are endowed by nature. If you are not one of them and feel uncomfortable performing feints from the arsenal of sex bomb with the experience, you should not begin acquaintance with these "proven" techniques it would be pure erotic provocation .
Getting acquainted with a man, seduces him gently and unbanal. For example, you can:
1. Amuse him. According to opinion polls, almost ninety percent of men feel a sense of humor one of the sexiest female character qualities.
2. Let him feel his advantage. In anything. Shyness and insecurity can look very sexy, especially if deep down the man himself is not too strong-willed.
3. Whether a knowing and condescending. I think these qualities are inherent in broody and gray mouse? Not at all! Bitchiness, slowly but surely going out of fashion. If the girl evinces its indulgence to a nice male weaknesses like beer and football, it is perceived as a wise and sexy woman.
In short, any romantic connections must be accompanied by a small portion of women's lure. But let it be your own seductiveness, not grimaces deducted in a book or peeped in the movie!