Errors in training men
Lovely woman, do you know what the main difference between the right training and training, during which mistakes? The fact is that as a result of training conducted in compliance with all rules, you have a very good chance to develop at her man extremely necessary and useful to you conditioned reflexes, but the training helps the wrong, alas, the consolidation of unwanted conditioned reflexes that you, of course, it is not needed. What are the main mistakes in training the men you can prevent? It is necessary to know, because forewarned - is forearmed, and knowing exactly where you will find a trick, you can avoid embarrassing blunders.
Errors in training men - a subjective understanding of the behavior of pet. Men, of course, are arranged a little differently than you, ladies. Differences in male and female psychology written hundreds of books and articles, and not written in vain. In a few words can be defined as follows: as a rule, in specimens of the male more developed left brain, while the beautiful half of humanity more active right hemisphere. The left half of the human brain that scientists believe is responsible for rational thinking, while the right side. Recall painfully familiar situation - men's delay to whatever. Suppose you have agreed to meet him at five in the evening. But as they say, already nearing midnight, and Herman not present. Of course, to carry to extremes and wait until midnight should not be. Put forward to five minutes, then another five reserve and, finally, the last (I say, last) unexpected five minutes and is serving in an unknown direction.

Then, when they met him in any case do not need to roll up the scandals, to throw into tears and is doing a similar unpleasant and tedious manipulation, since it is absolutely not work, as well as the desired effect will not take the trainer attempts to persuade the dog to do anything. The conclusion is simple: those you dressiruete need to communicate in a language he understands. In relation to men, this usually means that we should not afflict him a barrage of negative emotions, much better if you calmly explain to him all spread out on the shelves.
Do not forget about the causal link: show him that he is losing as a result of his tardiness to a meeting. This uncomplicated technique training of men you will achieve very good results: he will realize that, being late, will inevitably lose something, like a delicious dinner: you were so upset by his delay, that with the grief went to the movies, and cooking is elementary no time . And deprived of something pleasant and necessary because of the lack of punctuality is not like anybody! You develop with your pet stable conditioned reflex, ie, the goal set at the beginning of training, will be achieved.
It is very important means of exposure to dressiruemogo are short and a long leash. For best results - and others we do not need "- to learn how to properly rotate. What woman does not dream that her man was with her, they say, on a short leash? However, all you need to know the measure, especially in the first period of training. So sometimes let your two-legged pet for a walk and on a long leash.
Gradually - one of the foundations of education. Therefore, a man accustomed to perform some basic actions such as changing socks every day, we must gradually complicate the problem. Develop his persistent reflex, which consists in the fact that dirty socks must not only withdraw, but also to convey to the bathroom and throw in the laundry basket instead of leaving the most prominent place in the room as family pride. And if you have taught him to wash those same socks, then you are guaranteed the title of best trainer of the year! So do not stop there, but remember that complicate the task should be gradual, otherwise its performance will be your pet can not do.
And finally, I want to warn that the statute, and the hungrier the animal can not be completely manageable! For example, you passionately want your ward, coming home, immediately rushed to you on the neck and burst into a nightingale about how he missed, etc. etc. The desire is quite understandable, but it rude and insensitive, just needs ... no, no affection and tenderness, and food, and preferably more. The standard development of the situation: you, offended at his best feelings begin to reproach your pet in heartlessness, meanwhile on the stove burn delicious food (cooked by you with so much love!), And hunger stronger and more just scary to imagine that begins! And to avoid it easy: stand on the position of his "pet" - it is really outrageously hungry after a busy day. So the first thing feed him well, and then just wait for the manifestation of tender feelings. Well-fed people are known to be kinder, so you're likely to hear from a loved what they wanted.