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Eternal bachelor

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Eternal bachelor

Most single-men were once their husbands. Burned once, now will think hundred times before you try again. Newfound freedom of a candidate for any price he should pay and the longer that its "free flight", the harder it is to seduce the stubborn pleasures of family affection. Fear of a nightmare "of the marriage of hell" is stronger than the fear of loneliness. The more so that the complete isolation of such a man himself can not, and little pleasures on the side of it or not binding. "Captured" a bachelor is still possible, the main thing - do not waste time, but do not flog a fever.

 There is another category of men - bachelors on request. These married Kalach not lure their motto: "I do not want to marry - and the point!" Conduct such a time is possible, but do not harbor illusions empty. Bachelors reluctant - very strange and weird. They want to marry, but the requirements for placing such darling, that my mother dear! Obviously you can not request suggests that a man unconsciously afraid of women. His desire to narrow the search, as each of us has a deviation from the norm, and a bachelor persists - "Bring me an ideal!"
He simply is not clear how the relationship between the sexes, and that's worn with his desire to start a family, like a chicken and egg. And you do not klyuyte on the hook better than pity the poor fellow, and ... podyschite another candidate. There are singles, which all the fibers of my soul despise women. For such an application only the weaker sex to the other worldly pleasures, and to trust the women, especially married ... Do not tell, he does not know such words. Communicate with this not suggest, of course, if you do not masochist.

The next type of singles - those who are not able to bind to the people. True, the idea of family is perceived as the norm, so the poor man caught between two fires. And Give them freedom, and family, as in all. Izvedut yourself izmuchayut wife ... tantalizing, but not life. Why do all single women feel sorry for, if men are suffering no less? Yes we just nosimsya with his misfortune, as they relate to loneliness, as to the facts. Where have you seen a bachelor, who'd lamented: "Oh, I have no wife! Why me? "Not a set of men about this, do not consider themselves unhappy, do not need them, though a stray, but his own. They know their own worth, the problem they say with humor, do not seek out in their own shortcomings, and say - not now worthy bride.

A woman ... Listen to the titles of articles, which are overcrowded newspapers and magazines: "Loneliness - my pain, Women's loneliness - the cause of the complexes. Involuntarily begin to feel sorry for yourself. Look around - how many men who have committed themselves to the bachelor life! A lot of work for lone wise woman. If you come up with a mind to pick up key, but "reprogram" his views ... The women in the arsenal of hundreds of tricks, various ingenious traps and all of them - for men. There is, from what shy. So developed the bachelor strong immunity against the family, they keep the defense. Sometimes a glimpse of a bachelor little thought: "Do not marry me?"

Out into an eternal bachelor , like the hermit crab from the shell, admire us, emancipated, so notorious - and back into the burrow, hide. "No, - gleefully whisper bachelor - Look for a fool in another place, and me so well. I am free and happy! And all the evils in the world of women! ". More or less dismantled a bachelor, and knew where to move, to change their blissful state, we begin to develop the second stage and proceed to the "springboard".

Our task: to learn to be a "lightning rod" for the men's negative emotions. For this we consider several situations in which good luck, like, should bring joy to a man. Do not believe it, but instead of joy they experience uncertainty, discomfort and even fear. And, if the cause of all this is you, the man would you just walk away. And, unless you will find support and solace ... catch the difference?

Eternal bachelor in your home

So the first reason for joy: after a long courtship, you are finally invited the man to visit. Before that, he thought: I'm mad about her, I passionately want it! After inviting the man certainly hold a sleepless night, especially if to you it is experiencing the most serious sense. The mere desire to show their best and shine in front of a favorite in the best man to bring a little stress. The body reacts decreasing testosterone, which in turn undermines their self-confidence. A man tries to convince himself: Stop, let it be at the highest level! - But even more nervous.

Your actions: no recourse to alcohol as a sedative. Offer men mineral water, it will increase blood flow, blood circulation becomes more uniform, but a good portion of ice cream with chocolate will soothe the nervous system. The second reason for joy: a man raised in a post. If he has long awaited this event, it surely will excite thoughts about the new responsibilities of the possible complications with their colleagues. Taken together, will lead to sluggish current depression, resembling a nervous breakdown. Man starts a lot of smoke, drink strong coffee, which promotes the release of adrenaline into the body. But the body and so is unable to cope with an excess of restless energy.

How to calm the man and persuade him confidence? The main thing - make sure that he kept the regime is included in its diet of vegetable dishes and more are saying that you will highly appreciate his professional qualities and confident of success. The third reason for joy: approaching holidays, which you have been waiting for. In my imagination you're drawing pictures enticing holiday together, and the man at this time began to get nervous. His argument to stall alone thought about fees, long lines, hotels and misunderstandings with their luggage. Such an "appendage" to a pleasant stay inspires little man, and your task - to rid it of negative emotions.

Start the fees in advance and tested scheme: a list of useful things, the stock of newspapers and crossword puzzles, several upakovochek crackers. They offer you my dear, when he will start to play pranks nerves, because carbohydrates are better than candy and gum will be able to reassure them. The most important thing - not to strain herself, and have fun and do not forget to admire a man who gave you this unforgettable journey. The fourth reason for joy: the diagnosis, which put a man has not been confirmed. Like, you can safely breathe, but he stubbornly scrolls in the head bad ending: "What if ..."

If time does not send a man of thought in another direction, he soon begins to fear for his life, will be cautious. Psychologists advise in such cases to record their feelings, and you advise a man to do the same. Inspires him, that caution does not hurt, but you can not bring it to mania. Do not repeat endlessly: It happens to everyone, settle down ... all the better to rejoice together, draw conclusions and do not harass you. It all ended ... Our stress provoked no events, and the importance that we attach to events. Now, when you encounter a man who was behaving strangely and is closed, do not jump to conclusions: it - Crank, nervous type, and general ...

Just think - if you do not have resulted in the unexpected joy that knocked the poor guy out of a rut, and brought to the stress? Help the man to calm down, and then he will experience the joy of communicating with you in full, without any negative emotions. What can I say about the third stage? Smooth landing should be carried out slowly, and most importantly - unnoticed, as does an experienced pilot. Avoid the strain and pressure on the psyche, the "zone of turbulence" pretty pat your "wings" and it is likely that a "passenger" will take advantage of a catapult. Having all these steps, I think you will understand exactly how the change is your favorite former bachelor, and that just came out of this ...
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