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Everyone has the right to rest

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Everyone has the right to rest!

How long is your working day? Eight hours? Day? From Dusk Till Dawn? And is it normal that you twist like a squirrel in a cage day and night? Do not you deserve the right to rest and personal life? If you're not a civil servant, you have probably more than once faced a similar problem. The official work day seems to have run from ten in the morning until seven at night, but in nineteen hundred you can not break away from the workplace and at full speed dash to the elevator, as literally half an hour before the end of the shift boss asked you to quickly finish the documents / contact with dozens of clients / prepare a report, etc. That's forced to stay at work late into the night, remembering his student days and student saying "a long night."

Yes, even during the university studies you could easily walk around all day, ignoring the very boring couple, and a diploma written in one night. Now you're at work. And the days you are likely to also work. So late in the evening and night - no time for jerks Stakhanov and labor, and for healthy sleep. In your best interest to comply with the normal mode! In the end, everyone is entitled to vacation , personal life and health. Ongoing work overtime unlikely to help you become a more valuable employee, or increase your monthly income.

And yet, why not? Help! However, by that time you already have gone badly undermine their physical and mental health, in this case, the money earned will not buy cars, new clothes, a refrigerator and other good things of life, and drug and motels. So learn to fight for their rights today. If the boss gave you an unrealistic amount of work and put a ridiculously small terms, do not behave as a dumb slave on the plantation. Open your mouth and say something like:
-I am happy (and) that you believe in my ability to work, but to remake all these things in such a short period of time not from the standpoint of pure mathematics. Let's define what this most urgent and what can wait.

-Thank you for the job. I get it. Today my working day has ended, but tomorrow morning first thing and it'll take care of.

-Sorry, but this is not my responsibilities. You want them to reconsider? Then let's reconsider the same time and my salary.

-I understand that your order is urgent. I can perform this scope of work at such times, but it will cost so much.
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