Everyone has their own path to success
Well, my dear, brilliant, born for happiness, success and love, staring into the light my friends! Before us is a clean path to the stars and the way we have outlined and will not turn back from it! Now, every moment of life reveals to you an unlimited, infinite potential for growth, development and overall happiness. This is true, and only depends on you whether you take advantage of opening up prospects! I will repeat again and again: your possibilities are endless!
In your life everything is possible! Man - a creature of divine origin, and hence to endless possibilities. In the remarkable book by my favorite Deepak Chopra's "Spontaneous fulfillment of desires" was written, the more our consciousness closer to the Divine, the faster and easier will be our dreams and desires. Then, every prayer will be a manifestation of divine love for man, and therefore will be implemented almost immediately. Be of good cheer and rejoice, because there is no limit to our achievements. You yourself are creating their own world, you can create. You will also get rid of the strength of its limitations and enjoy the fullness of happiness, joy, creativity and a fabulous success!
And how could it be otherwise? After all, we are with you, fine ladies and gentlemen, the new era we live in a wonderful time, when before us greater and greater prospects for development of the mind, body and spirit. The main thing - to see in themselves what each of us laid down at birth:
◊ striving for perfection and happiness;
◊ ability to develop their talents;
◊ incarnation of the divine ideal of creativity, beauty and harmony.
Each person possesses an innate desire for success and fulfillment. Moreover, the absolute success of your affairs - is a completely natural course of events, confirming the right choice. And every human nature has provided a reliable mechanism for the disclosure of its unique capabilities. Please do not think that you - an exception! Your higher self tirelessly makes sure to provide you with everything necessary for a happy life and prosperity. The only question is, Are you open to this higher love and care?
Everyone has their own path to success . Everyone in this world has its own unique purpose. Supreme success of each of us living on our beautiful planet - to fulfill their divine destiny and to realize personal unlimited potential. Now before you - the glittering golden ladder of success. Go up the same on her! I was incredibly pleased with the letter, which tells about the amazing changes in the fates occurring after people stop condemning myself, in short, are exempt from the shackles of the evil dragon restrictions. And even more pleased that I was - I know, I just believed in this - that the best we have with you is yet to come. We are constantly growing, learning and working on them.
Freed from the negative attitudes!
Only depends on us, we open ourselves towards the Divine light, or delusions of living in the dark, limiting beliefs, enthusiastically talking about their woes and blame it on anybody, but not themselves. So the first thing I suggest you to free your mind from the excess baggage negative attitudes. You may think that you closely monitor the speech and to avoid the negative assertions. And yet such expressions no, not yes and skips. Please check whether your vocabulary, negative phrases, and if there's - immediately replace them with positive ones.
◊ «Wow!" (An expression of extreme surprise) is replaced by "All myself!"
◊ «At the worst," replaced by "good outcome".
◊ «In the end," replaced by "In the early beginnings".
◊ «No there is no life" is replaced by "All life is just beginning."
◊ «I'm tired as a dog" is replaced by "I'm tired, like a goddess."
I want to share with you about my beloved, my favorite "magic" word. This word - "easy". Wake up one morning and thinking about the upcoming day, several times say: "Easily. Easily. It is easy. " See for yourself how much easier will take all your business and solve the problem. Thus, our slogan - "It's easy!". And it never, under any circumstances do not allow yourself the words and expressions related one way or another with injuries of internal organs. Are you surprised, my beloved? However, I am no kidding. Remember only: "the head breaking up", "sits in the liver, the heart is torn," "my eyes would not look" ... I do not want to continue this "black list". I hope that you will themselves be responsive to these, unfortunately, familiar phrases and stop using them. This will be a conscious attitude toward his life and most important step in our "star" direction. Follow for themselves and others, and you'll notice that quite unconsciously, we use the expression, execution of which in life, we have no means desirable. Just do not want to, then do not drink.
And here are good examples:
◊ «To live well must surely, by choosing what sweet heart!"
◊ «Well, everything will be okay, everything will be okay, I know, I know!"
The latest example - it's just the slogan of positive thinking, and I advise you often sing this great song! Protect yourself by carefully watch over your precious mind, fill it only that you choose. Here then is your way to the stars will become much shorter and, more importantly, enjoyable! Suppose that is sent to the dustbin of history, the belief that the path to success thorny, tortuous and is associated with an unsustainable, exhausting labor. We'll choose a different path - a radiant and joyful path of the soul to its roots to reveal their unique divine essence. This success - success is always the soul! And he was always accompanied by good luck in deeds, wonderful friends, acceptance and joy of life!
Thus, we become masters of their destiny and a beacon for all who surround us. You'll be sure to shine on the illustrious ones, because you have to do is all you need: Your desire and the power of this moment. And do not believe those who say you can not live, can not succeed, that your dreams - empty fantasies and desires - is not feasible ... better than you no one knows your hidden powers, unique talents, desires and aspirations. Start creating your new life now - and all you get! And I'll help you with this. Your star path to success:
◊ I take each day as a gift of fate and I welcome him with his favorite phrase, for example: My life is beautiful, and I'm happy! I believe in miracles happy in my life! I am open to the beautiful, amazing miracles, prepared for me personally divine power! I invite angels into your life and joy!
◊ I am careful to all words and expressions that drink, and sing only those songs that are filled with positive content. I protect your precious mind!
◊ I am trying every way to bring your consciousness to the divine consciousness, which chose to look at all the events through the eyes not of condemnation, but of love.
◊ I understand that everyone is just like me, is a manifestation of the divine spirit, so I try to everyone with whom I communicate, send a ray of love. (This, incidentally, very helpful in business negotiations.)
◊ Before the trip, meeting with people or just before the start of the day I say that all the people around me are very friendly and welcoming to me. And so it is!