Evil eye on children
Children are often exposed to the evil eye, because they are most vulnerable. That's why newborn babies are trying not to show anyone, even the closest people.
How to protect a newborn from the evil eye
Qom, that is, godmother of the child, you need to take coals from the stove and at the crossroads to throw over my left shoulder.
Nobody do not show a child before baptism. In baptism the child is given a guardian angel who will protect him from evil influences. This, incidentally, is another reason why children should be baptized in the earliest possible age.
Not have the time to look at the sleeping child, to admire them. This applies not only to strangers but to their parents. When the baby sleeps, more often baptize him and read over it the Lord's Prayer "and" Virgin Theotokos. "
If someone praise your child, make this man immediately spit.
Removing the evil eye children
1.Proiznosit, he washed the child and pouring water on the floor or ground:
With the domes of water, with a baby mourning. Otkul come from, there has merged. Who's child maliciousness, to return to the writhings. Amen.
Zagovarivat can as parents and godmother. For children under 7 years old can recite any baptized person who regularly goes to confession and communion.
2.Kataya back of the neck and back raw egg, to say such a conspiracy:
Hen laid an egg, not a simple charm. I then egg kata on domes, on the head, according to the shoulders, on the back, the knobs on the breast, the belly, the rump, the legs, the soles, the whole body white. Egg kata, all spells on him dangle. Egg toss into the fire, returning evil with evil.
After that, you need to break the egg blunt side of a knife into the bucket of water with these words:
I do not eggshell crush, I crush your ailment. Pressure, crumbling ailments with God's slave (name). Amen.
If the evil eye or damage there is, then the egg is black and rotten. Water with an egg need to pour into the toilet, wash bowl, a bucket to wash and ignited in the stove.