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Evil on behalf of TV

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Evil on behalf of TV

No less a contribution to the formation of a standard of thinking and making television. On its dangers for kids and teens say much, but apparently not enough to ensure that parents wanted to throw (away, give away, donate, etc..) From the home TV. It is easy to say, but hard to do because you have to oppose the whole family, not just for kids. In fact, the desire of children to watch television rather illusory. They quickly get used to everything - as to the presence of TV in the house and to his absence. But to convince adults of the need to get rid of the TV will be much harder. Anyway, my experience and that of my readers suggests that's about it. Once you have removed from the apartment is evil in the name of the TV , will begin immediately: "I love to watch movies," "You're encroaching on my vacation, freedom ..." "No problem with kids not going to happen!". Think about how painless for all family members to get rid of teleyaschika.

Step One. Innocuous images?

It is hardly necessary today to prove that the vast majority of TV shows - even the most seemingly innocuous - have a strong influence on the psyche. Cartoons with naturalistic details and a bunch of violent heroes, ostensibly positive. Films that promote anything, just are not real values of life. Show programs, more calculated to baser human instincts, than the intelligence and positive emotions, and so on. All this rubbish is breaking into our apartment.
No, not so: we are opening the door for her and invite her children to get acquainted. Here, loved kids, that you entertain and save from the streets, because your parents once you do. This will save you from real life in which everything is so bad, full of terrible problems and dangers. You better watch how others live, maybe themselves learn something ... I do not learn, I promise. Because, looking at the TV, no one has yet learned how to ride a bike, swim, make money, or fight. This can be learned only in real life.

You pass by quietly buried in a children's television? Did not flinch inside, when they noticed the empty eyes and open mouth of her child, tightly bonded to teleyaschiku? Conscience would not suffer? Do not have a desire to take anything harder and knock on ... TV is, of course? Many people say now about the need to dose a child TV viewing, they say, small amounts of television no one hurt. But imagine that your child always use drugs - a little bit. Do you think it will be for him without a trace or still cause serious harm to the body and mind will have an impact on further development? Why, then, you close your eyes to the fact that the child's daily hours of sitting in front of the TV?

Step Two. Decision

Most importantly, as always, decide, make the first move. The stronger you are sure he is right, the easier it will be able to cope with the addiction in your family to the TV. To begin please be convincing arguments, to be fully armed. If the above is not enough, check out the Internet, where you will find a wealth of material about the dangers of TV, or go to the reception to a good psychologist.

Step Three. Credible alternative and expected results

A holy place is never empty. Once you have gotten rid of the TV in your life a void that needed to be filled. What can you offer in return? Cartoons and movies that you can watch a video or on the computer (and you get the opportunity to control their view), educational computer games (no more than an hour a day).

What is the positive effect of parting with the TV?

- Children will be more to read, play a variety of educational games, more than a walk.

- Mental health of children improves, they will no longer look like little zombies, and will be able to think with your head.

- You and your family get out of the virtual space that sucked you in exactly the same as children. Find that apart from the life of the TV there is also a real life, which is much more colorful and interesting.

- You will spend more time outdoors. Believe that this requires much time, effort and money? Really! In good weather, summer, spring and fall enough to take a blanket or mat, ball, racket, perhaps, rollers, bike, plus sandwiches and tea. That's enough to spend a few hours away from the city. In winter, sledges, skiing ... But as you should all know!

However, the baby grows. Soon he'll want to watch not only the cartoons and the fact that mom and dad say. And as to rescue him from Teletubbies-seylormoon-Pokemon? From all the mud that promotes violence? Perhaps we really discard the TV. Movies can be watched on DVD, read the news on the web, good Cartoons (Soviet) - also download from the Internet.

Step Four. How to kill your spare time?

I assure you, with the disappearance of the TV in your life will be a lot of free time. Is not it a dream for any busy person? We all suffer from a lack of time, but here - please take it. You have the right to spend it on anything. Sleep, read, lie in the bath, but do not waste it on work, enjoy a better ourselves or pay attention to children.
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