Ex girlfriend
Often, the relationship between a man and a woman invades the past - old hobbies, old friends, former love. Often this occurs without the direct participation of human beings, they come back into our lives in the form of memories. Such memories can be dangerous for your relationship: If your man is too often recalls his former girlfriend, it can say that she still lives in his heart.
If you notice a young man like your addiction, then try to figure out why he still remembers his former girlfriend, for whatever reason, he tells you about her, perhaps, that his feelings for her have not yet sunk into oblivion, and he lives the memories of her . How to determine whether in such a situation to worry about the sincerity of your lover? Pay attention to what exact relationship with ex-girlfriend, he often recalls. Alerted if the favorite is using the verb "love" in their stories and said that they liked to do together, where love to walk, how they had a favorite dish.
If your beloved remembers only the pleasant moments of their relationship, then they are his way and he does not want to forget them. Please note, if he remembers about what rasprekrasnaya his ex-girlfriend . Can he be carried away by his story about their next trip to the sea or on their first date? If so, what his feelings to you in need of serious review. If he frequently mentions her name in his sleep, or to stipulate, calls you her name, it indicates that he thinks about it more often than they should.
To determine whether your lover is experiencing so far are any feelings for his ex-girlfriend, ask how they parted. If their relationship ended not by mutual consent, without desire, then most likely its a broken heart is still experiencing separation and, possibly, he's still in love with her. Your role in his life at this stage, relations are not so enviable, you - just an excuse to unwind, or an attempt to forget the past. Of course, we should not immediately pounce on him with accusations that he took advantage of your trust. If you really roads this man, then in that case you need to do everything to make it as soon forget about it, not even remembering her name.
Create the conditions for this: do not remind her and did not ask about their relationship for a while - wait a bit, and he forgets everything. As you know, time heals. You can revive your vote for a new love, if they themselves are not indifferent to it. Be patient, and your love will be mutual. Not be ruled out that his memories are not evidence of "warm" feelings toward the other. Maybe he just wants to share their experiences with you.
For example, your relationship has just begun, and the previous, rather long, the novel has not been forgotten, so he often remembers him, talks about the previous relationship. This could mean that the man simply did not have time to readjust. Or his past experience was so unfortunate that he seems to be reinsured in advance, trying to warn you against the mistakes that were in his past, and therefore devotes you the details of the relationship with a former lover.