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Exercise to intensify orgasmic sensations

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Exercise to intensify orgasmic sensations

Exercises aimed at the intensification of positive emotions and relating to "eating the fruit from the tree of life," serve both to strengthen the nervous system through the training of its gradually increasing in intensity with positive emotions and to increase the total amount of positive emotions felt by man. To begin, we potreniruemsya cause orgasmic sensations. For those who often experience them, this task will be very simple. Those who can not remember what that feeling, and who have enough imagination to call them, have to turn to his memories.

Most often, people experiencing orgasmic sensations in childhood. On the one hand, this is due to the fact that the child's body has a much higher level of energy than an adult, on the other hand, sensation and perception of the child is not too heavily distorted imposed on him by the growth model of the world, and planted in the man from natural ability to enjoy life and the manifestations of his body, which provides him the ability to survive, the child appears more spontaneous and natural. Try to remember the moments of childhood when you felt real joy and delight. Do not have to strain to simulate weathered once feelings. Just relax and try as detailed as possible to reproduce the situation that spawned you stream orgasmic sensations. If you succeed, the right feeling again will cover you.

All of a close and careful looking into his past, you can find many exciting moments, memories of which you are supposed to have been kept as a precious jewel, but are virtually erased from your memory under the weight of more important issues. When Alexander Medvedev explained to me the use of technology generated by the memories of orgasmic sensations, the first thing I did - is to test them in practice. One of the unfortunate need for me were the trips to public transport. Lots of people, filling the recent subway makes me a painful feeling, and travel on trains and subways are not even particularly annoyed me, but not a pleasure.
Now, entering the subway, I tried to remember the feelings I felt, rolling it in childhood. First came to me surprisingly vivid recollection of how I first seems to be in seven years, was at the station Novoslobodskaya and saw it glowing, multicolored stained-glass windows from the inside. The beauty of stained glass is so impressed me that I literally stopped in admiration, considering it's an incredible miracle. As soon as I came to this recollection, I was again overwhelmed by the hot wave of orgasmic sensations, the same one I had when I was seven years old. It is difficult to express what constitutes these feelings. There were also grateful to the mother, through which I saw a miracle, and thanks to the people who created the magical hands stained glass, and curiosity, and how they can make, and the desire to know why they shine, and much more.

Now, drive past the Novoslobodskaya, I again looked at the stained glass windows, and, although the intensity of the initial feelings softened considerably, each time I felt joy and pleasure, a sense of gratitude for the fact that I live in a world where even public transport people create a beauty. The next recollection was then, as I am interested in the strange red stone, which were lined with columns on the station Mayakovskaya. Mom explained that this rhodonite, and said that it is mined in the Urals. It seemed a miracle that a stone has come such a long journey so that eventually I was able to touch his hands and admire its intricate white and pink stripes.

Coming to a station, now I have carefully considered it, as if he saw her for the first time I listened to in passages echoing sound of my steps, the steps of other people, I remembered more and more pleasant moments of my childhood, associated with underground I began to pay attention to what beautiful lights in the transitions, the different styles in which stations have been built, and many other small things that absorbed all my attention and turned the tedious journey with changes in a continuous pleasure when reading an interesting book on the train alternated with trains traveling at the stations, reminiscent of the museum halls, filled with a crowd of brightly dressed people hurrying about their business. The crowd could learn new fashions, meet amazingly interesting and vibrant character types of personalities.

Gradually, the program recorded in my model of the world, according to which the journey to the subway was a tedious and boring necessity, which was impossible to avoid, and which devoured my time and energy at the same time increasing the likelihood of catching the flu or even any infection, was replaced by another, wherein that now the same action was a source of joy and new energy. I no longer have to remember something pleasant or to apply their efforts to create orgasmic sensations. They are at the entrance of the subway began to emerge themselves automatically, and I could only enjoy them evoke the feeling of bliss flows.

Can not say that any of the programs related to travel in the subway and forth in my model of the world - the original or later - was more accurate. Both reflect the same thing, but one way to reflect the tired and irritated me, and another gave joy and strength. So that the replacement program worth the effort on this, especially since me for this particular strain, and some did not have to, just the way I call up the appropriate memory and create the right mood. So, back to the exercise by the intensification of positive emotions. To get started you will need with the help of imagination or pleasant memories induce a pleasant flow of orgasmic sensations.

Exercise to intensify orgasmic sensations in conjunction with the "inner smile" in the early stages of training should prodelyvat as often as possible, at least once a day. It is important that, doing exercise, you did not announce the glow of their positive emotions to ensure that your nervous system too overexcited. If, after finishing the exercise, you can not totally relax, let the feeling and joy, but all the same excitement, which can manifest itself in increased emotionality, insomnia, or inability to concentrate, reduce the intensity of the exercise. Moving into their lessons gradually, without shock and records, a few months you will strengthen your nervous system and learn without the unpleasant consequences carry strong emotional outbursts (this also applies to negative emotions), which previously could lead you to a nervous breakdown.
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