Extra fans
When it comes to extra fans, many of the girls just throw up his eyebrows in surprise: The extra fans ? Does anyone? All of them can be selected that is adapted ... Yes, there are sly, calculating girls who prefer otshivaniyu unnecessary fan of the studio operation. For example, I love Petya, but Vasya so good in bed ... and there it will use, and Kohl great help to me at work, do not let it otshivat, albeit more help, hoping that I win.
A Lesch, of course, not to my taste, but masterfully twists bulbs and famously scored the nails - I'll manage without him? No way. Let all of them will have me on a short leash, hoping to win my heart. Why do I need to destroy their illusions, if I can use their services, help, grooming, virtually nothing in return!
This position, of course, very convenient, though very selfish. All the same, using the senses in love with you people inhumanely. And in some cases, and frankly stupid. Of course, if you are a master of manipulation, you skilfully extract its profit from another's adoration. But if you yourself are a beginner and an amateur in the management of men, you can easily fall into the typical traps and make some classic mistakes. For example:
1. Unnecessary to use your fan to make her husband jealous. Very trivial and ill-advised move. That it will give? If the way you intend to arouse more interest in his wife and his passion for his person, then know this: but irritation and jealousy, you probably do not wake up. Many girls believe that, having learned about fans on the side, the couple immediately tremble and flee to buy their wives flowers (furs, diamonds). Think so at least naive.
2. A similar misconception: unnecessary use your fan as a way to avenge her husband or boyfriend for his affair on the side. Like, oh do so? And here I am, too, by the way, I can change! Revenge of the claim that dubious. After learning about your "sins", the spouse may simply feel more impunity and start walking even harder. How will this affect your marriage, it is easy to guess.
3. Use the passion you a fan of unnecessary mining purposes - this, of course, the aerobatics skills. But it is also very dangerous. Contrive such a game only if you end up convinced of their abilities. Indeed, an influential lover can not only lift you up the career ladder, but to dismiss you from the company and generally arrange your "sweet life" in the event that you suddenly prokoleshsya and accidentally expose his game. So be very careful.
And yet, if the fan was really .. odd ..
Rebuffing a fan, you simply must explain to him the motive of his refusal. However, speaking about the causes, be careful. Keep in mind that civility is a lie as the benefit and harm, and you most! Well, let's not play hide and seek! I will not cite as an example the history of my girlfriends and I will not lie. Because this is my favorite mistake! I've done it so many times that no tale to tell, nor pen describe! Explaining his reluctance to meet (have sex, to communicate) with one or another man, I have a lot of times be stuck in history, trying to be polite and think of what a "decent excuse. As a result, a lot of times my lie puts me in a stupid situation!
1. The first time I pierced back in twelve years! Then I decided to write my heartfelt fan letter, which will be described in detail my true feelings for him and the reasons why we can not be together. Turned to how clear! "Letter" was written on a piece of paper, torn from a notebook on algebra, and, in my opinion, shone comprehensive brevity and clarity. Leaflet read: "Andrew, you're a weakling, and that's it." Is it necessary to describe the reaction of my boyfriend on my honesty? Let me just say one thing: to this day I am burning with shame, thinking that his escapade. Justify himself only by one thing: the epistolary genre has never been my forte.
2. Learning the mistakes of youth, I never minced truth in the face of the uterus. Instead, I learned how to politely lie. When one of the fancy man began to tempt me with romantic dinners, flowers and other Labuda, I honestly and explicitly stated that he did not waste time in vain, because I'm ... gay. It was perfectly said! The guy immediately left me alone, while maintaining a good attitude to me. It would seem that the problem has been skillfully solved. But the thing: a couple of months, I had conceived a passion for my best friend, the rejected suitor. All my attempts to flirt with him culminated in his damning statement: "It's OK with me you useless to pretend I know you're a lesbian. We can be just friends. " This is a bummer!
Naturally, I could not now say that it was a lie to fool his best friend, it is unlikely I would have added respect. But even today in some circles there is an opinion about my sexual orientation. Hear, do not be surprised! Just remember, the word not a sparrow. A count on the men's silence is not necessary.
3. Another time I made the classic mistake of rebuffing fan tales that I'm married. Naturally, this was a blatant lie, which is in contrast to the lies about my sexuality very quickly popped out. Fan was offended. My lie descended not for politeness, but because the falsity.
So learn from my mistakes. And try as not punctured.