Extreme forms of communication
Psychologists believe that open honest communication - the most versatile and the best way to improve relations in the pair. However, communication can be different. We consider those extreme methods of communication that are likely a huge threat to your love than a panacea. Mankind has long been known for a variety of communication styles. Including a rather risky. Maybe the risk and noble cause, but not in the field of communication. Too high probability of possible arguments, and the chances of a positive result is almost equal to zero. Thus, we consider communication styles that are best not to practice!
1. "The verbal extremism." In this style of communication you giperboliziruete happening and misrepresenting facts in their favor. For example, shouting: "You are always delayed at work" or "You never did anything to me nice!". These dramatic words like "always", "all", "never", "no" are usually obvious exaggerations. Well, not really the same person will never make you enjoy. You have nothing succeeds in finding fault with a man that way. It is better to calmly say: "Excuse me, but I'm upset because you did not pay attention to me today, was once cold, can spend time together? I miss you. " Believe me, uttering a speech, you have a much greater chance of a favorable outcome.

2. "Censure". Regularly accusing and criticizing a loved one for something, you hardly inspires in him a desire to go to meet you and changing for the better. You probably invoke it an irresistible urge to send you away. Instead of a hundred for the first time say: "Fool, you again failed to bring me to orgasm! Well, who do have sex? "Say something like:" Dear, but remember, you once did .... (Call it what you wanted). It was wonderful! I dreamed it again. " Encouragement always works perfectly!
3. "The elevated tone." You the impression that the volume of your accusations and sharp expressions allow you to finally "dokrichatsya to him." In fact, cry and swear words cause a person not understanding and not wanting to take everything said, but the desire to scream in response.