Extreme proof of love
You think that you are able to do anything for your favorite - you are sure that for him will be able to jump with a parachute, in spite of your fear of heights, or, for example, a bank robber. But whether he can for you to risk your life? You are interested to know who loves whom more, and whether your lover to respond to your love feelings, an equivalent in strength? Lovers often arrange competitions with each other, "Who loves whom more?". This is a kind of game two loving hearts: "I will first call, that means I love you more, but I thought of you 332 times, yesterday I admired your photo for an hour, and I talked about your friend for two hours." But it so happens that the evidence become dangerous for the life of lovers.
There are many examples to prove the fact that a man in love can do anything to prove his love. One young couple decided to prove his love to jump off a bridge into a river. It happened in the autumn, the thermometer showed zero temperatures. The couple stood at the edge of the bridge, under the arrangement, both closed their eyes and count to three. In love with Romeo jumped. For his choice, it was just a game, she could not think that her lover was not joking. In search of assistance, it ran almost a quarter of an hour - the area was completely deserted. The young man was in intensive care with a diagnosis of frostbite. Extremal evidence of love are dangerous!
Another dismal event in the life of love: she decided to prove the power of his love. She promised her lover is not scared at night and go through a small forest clearing, not even taking along a flashlight. (It is rumored that at this point were carried out very real werewolves.) It was found only on the next day - she got lost in the woods and lost her mind with fear. Desire to compare the strength of your feelings and emotions of your partner is not a crime. Lovers want to see next to a man whose love is as strong as that of their own. But require proof of love from the chosen one as a test of risk to life and prove his own feelings of such extreme methods unacceptable.

If you notice your tendency to elect to such extremes of love, then be careful - do not provoke it. Even as a joke not to say that you believe in his sincerity after he hijacking and you will take away to Spain. It was noticed that the love just opened some extraordinary abilities, and the ordinary student your partner can become the savior of the weak and oppressed, or, conversely, a bully. We love often disappears criterion of good and evil. They are able to do whatever orders their beloved, even if it is at odds with the generally accepted notion of morality.
If you really love your vote, then the first place you should stand his life and health, and then to all sorts of checks and tricky test. If you really crave, so that your faithful risked their lives for you, then most likely you manage a selfish desire to see next to him is not a living person and obedient zombies, to be able to do anything for you.