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FIND LOVE Tips astrologer

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FIND LOVE - Tips astrologer

Being a woman - it means to be a goddess! Do you agree? In the days of the Musketeers woman had a moral right to exclusively desire, and the man was obliged to jump into the maelstrom of his head and dreams for the sake of women. In my opinion it makes sense to bring back the remarkable reverse order! Great classic Byron also said this: "In our world, as well as in the world of fairies, the woman must belong to the man who would be able to get through to her and free her from suffering." Oh, where are you, knight? .. Here you are - so attractive, intelligent, you have a good job and a large circle of friends - in other words, everything seems to be in front of you. But for some reason you can not find love, and there is a faithful partner in life there ....

You probably like to occasionally look at the moon? Maybe the mysterious night light awakens in you a romantic dream? Or, conversely, brings sadness, depression? Anyway, our nearest neighbor the Moon leaves no one indifferent. This means that the moon is a very strong influence on all of us earthlings, even if we do not notice this effect. With women lunar rhythms are much stronger than men. No wonder: the Moon - the planet with the female energy. As a symbol of femininity, favorably located in the horoscope the moon gives her beauty and charm. A strong Moon in a woman's horoscope can indicate a woman's ability to become a good wife and caring mother.

And it can be very serious to us women, to help. How? For example, to find love , who so far no luck in his personal life. In the first lunar day, you can "Checkout" button on your love. After that day, nor desire that all necessarily true! At this point, you should thoroughly and in detail "namechtat" happiness.

Imagine a man you would like to see next to each other. He must be kind, intelligent, courageous, likable? Maybe. Maybe the rich? It is not excluded. But remember: the most important thing - that he should be loved. After all, if not love, you will not be happy nor beauty, nor wealth, nor any other virtues. So the first lunar day you have the "Checkout" to her lover with the confidence that if there is love, then the rest will follow. If you have to accept someone specific - you can dream about it.

Mandatory important condition: in the dreams you should not simply draw the image of the beloved - is imperative that you and ourselves have seen next to him. Must dream with joy, with pleasure and confidence that all will come true. But do not start these relationships in your submissions: do not let the imagination, if it starts to paint scenes of passionate love. Otherwise, take away those dreams you have so much energy that the implementation of the reality of the forces will remain. Dreams for us are necessary, but be careful with them . The first lunar day - the best time for guessing desires: they will surely come true!

In the sixth lunar day tune mentally with someone who you are cute, try to understand it, to feel his thoughts and feelings - in this day acute intuition, and you can feel very precisely what the prospects of your relationship and how you should behave in order to best dreams properly fulfilled. Maybe intuition tells you that we should wait patiently and relationships over time will develop further in a natural way. Maybe you want to make the first move. On this day there is a chance to choose the only correct version of the behavior. Next, proceed according to your intuition.

If you decide to active measures, it is best to choose the twenty-first lunar day: this day we are brave to the point that are capable of the feat, and can do things which used to be afraid to dream. But do not overdo it. No need to frontal attacks. Remember: When we meet really "their" rights, a favorable situation for tying relationship with him develops itself. The challenge is to seize this situation, in time to see the opportunity before us the door. If the door is tightly closed and we have to punch her head so, and know: the goal is chosen incorrectly, and all attempts to reach her best to stop - they are obviously doomed to failure. With "their" man of all turns easily - remember this rule! It is important not to miss the moment when you need to make only one small step forward. If before the fourth phase of the moon that chance is not pictured then do not look for it anymore. You are left with the arrival of the new moon to start all over again. And while the moon waning, do not take anything else: relax, and from the plans, and from the action.

If your efforts to succeed, and you could find love , the best time to start a serious relationship, as well as for marriage - the seventeenth lunar day. We are full of vitality, inwardly free and liberated, as ever, but love is going to be a long and strong.

Once again, I warn you: do not be discouraged if you just would not work. We all live for so long at odds with each other and with nature, that to set ourselves on the rhythm of the cosmos may take a long time. Happiness in his personal life will come when the soul will settle peace and harmony, when you learn to enjoy life just like that, without any reason when you get used to live in harmony with your soul, discover your true nature and become themselves.

Only then can you as a magnet that will attract your only designed just for you people. So take your time. Learn how to first use the rhythms of the Moon show the formula of any day, any period of your life. And then the moon will become your reliable guide to life's ocean. It teaches focus, in any fog, always displays the islands of happiness and love.

But if it happens that you are passionate, but not one? Perhaps the man is married and you do not shine. Perhaps the man is single, but you absolutely do not like him.

True love is always reciprocal. Unrequited love says that you somehow do not fit the man, so - in his eyes are not perfect. Unrequited love often breaks the life and destiny ...

Many of us are hard to digest this truth: so many beautiful novels, many fascinating stories devoted to the unfortunate unrequited love, and such a beautiful and romantic, it happens sometimes! There is no dispute, if you like unrequited love - love. But it is better to give unspent love of the universe, than to suffer because of it and turn it into a self-destructive force. This love - this is a problem.

Laws of the Universe are such that, when there are two kindred souls, the two destined for each other person, love flares up instantaneously in both of them. If not - do not waste power by trying to attract love is absolutely strange, "not a" person. From unrequited love to get rid, and the sooner the better

Everyone knows that the best remedy for love - love of another. But sometimes ill-fated love so fills the heart that for the other, true love is not the place, the way it overlaps. To find new love, it is necessary to release in the heart of the place occupied by the former. Do this it is sometimes difficult. Astrology can offer effective lunar rituals of unrequited love.

First of all, we have to wait for the eighth lunar day. This - the day of repentance and purification. Symbol of it - Flame. There is a chance to burn in the fire, his past - including the oppressive and unrequited love. Eighth lunar day - the most appropriate day to let go of the relationship had become unnecessary, relationships, unrequited love. And lay the foundation for new relations, new de l, a new love. So if you have planned breakup - do not delay, do not delay anymore. This day is the best.

There are different rituals, allowing ease dependence who are destroying the relationship. Especially fruitful is the one about which I tell you.

Need to prepare in advance a piece of yarn or thin rope, thread. In the morning take a shower or bath, well, if it is with sea salt. Sol will provide additional cleaning action. Coming out of the bathroom, light a candle, sit in front of her, relax and imagine yourself and him standing next to each other. Look: you are connected to each other set of threads, ropes and even the ropes. The more of these bundles You see, the stronger and more durable relationship. And is now beginning to get rid of these threads. Burn their imaginary fire! See how you are freed from the bonds linking the hands and feet. If the rope wrapped your body - can get up and shake as if unwinding them. Look: they fall to the floor, and you are becoming freer. Then mentally set fire rope that fell to the ground, let them go to the cleansing flame. When open your eyes - burn in the flames of candles made in advance a piece of yarn or thread, imagining that it burns the rope, which was depriving you of liberty and joy.

Look at the fire: burn your past, your love Cancelled - it goes from you forever, opening the door a happy future. Maybe for you invade the emotions, memories - do not hold them back, cry, grieve, remember, laugh - openly taking a growing feeling that rush at you. Then wash off the ashes with running water, and then some time looking at a candle flame, feeling the void formed in the soul is filled with light, joy, love - but not to your ex-lover, but to life, to the whole universe to itself. In the eighth lunar day you have a chance to break free from the pain of unrequited love.

After the ritual, you will feel much easier. But if your soul still remain echoes of past pain, repeat once more on the following eight lunar day.

The problem with most women is that we are not taught to love themselves. Moreover, it was believed that to love yourself shame. This is a huge mistake! It is not learning to love ourselves, we are doomed to bad luck in love. The suffering of unrequited love often occur due to the fact that we begin to love someone more than myself, praise him too highly, and currently it is often kazhemsya not perfect, unworthy of his ideal. Therefore, to bad luck in love, learn to love yourself.

Every morning he woke up and had not yet opened his eyes and a sweet stretch, and then slowly and quietly say to himself: "I am a young, intelligent and beautiful woman. I love and accept myself for who I am, with all my flaws and problems. I am worthy of great love and respect, and so I loved and respected by all the people around me. "

To find love - true love, it is necessary for the ability to change your life - start with the new moon. Change appearance - hairstyle, hair color, makeup, style of dress. Sit on a diet, Lose weight, if any, or, conversely, correct a little bit, if you're too lost weight because of unhappy love. In this case, remember: you do not to try again to draw the attention of his beloved, whom you leave in the past - you do it for updates to take into the future where you will find true love. Persuade myself that it was a mistake, and true happiness ahead.

Very well find a new occupation that will take you at your leisure. Maybe this will be a new hobby, a hobby. Maybe dancing. Why not do belly dance? Life is interesting and varied, and there is always a choice.

Having learned a little love and respect yourself, you'll see that you made it much easier to love others. Try to see the good and attractive even in the first counter, because in each person can find something interesting, worthy of love and respect. This means that light does not come a wedge on it, "precious and unique, if there are so many interesting men. Adjust yourself to the idea that you're sure to find a soul mate, no matter how old you are. Believe it - and it will happen.
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