Facial expressions and gestures
In general, together, communication and body language gestures, the most indisputable for understanding man. Physiological manifestations of emotions also cause far less clear than normal speech. This can be found in the history of evolutionary explanations of human development. In the early stages of development rights for his most informative were, for example, smells, warning of the danger, the proximity of production, they have helped to detect even the intentions of tribesmen. Further, a person learns to follow your emotions with gestures and facial expressions, and even in the absence of speech communication was sufficiently precise and clear, allowing, for example, collectively, to hunt and repel attacks from other tribes.
Such skills are preserved in the psyche of modern man, they are so natural, that does not require analysis and are perceived by us on a subconscious level. Speech as a way to communicate more conventional, it is based on symbols and which are perceived by different people in different ways, that was originally introduced some inaccuracies. It is for these reasons, the combined perception of the entire complex emotional expressions provides us with the greatest accuracy ponimaniya.Nablyudaya buddy, we observe and compare the subtlest facial expressions, changing postures and inflections. But if you observe your own behavior or the behavior of the interlocutor, there is no doubt find that your mind is focused on the study of facial expressions companion for more than 10 seconds. This time is sufficient to verify the absence of aggression, to determine how much you know this man.
Talking with someone, our mind instinctively returns periodically to the facial expression only interlocutor to monitor reactions to your speech. Please note that the views of sideways or stealthily make his interlocutor internal strain in the search for the real reasons for your behavior. Such actions have a so-called gestures of parasites: rubbing the nose, neck, chin, often corrected points, etc., all this annoying companion because his subconscious is looking for semantic matching these actions to the general mood of the conversation. Also, things, and with a smile on duty "when she is not sincere, or does not meet the general sense of dialogue, it is perceived as a sneer or a direct insult. Do not forget about such features of human perception, and you'll get the best attitude.
Agree, it is impossible to look confident, attractive, professional, if you are shy at heart and are not sure! One must always remember that only the aggregate of all forms of correspondence (gestures, facial expressions, tone of voice, posture, physiological manifestations) can convince us and others in the reliability of the information transmitted. Significant role in achieving credibility, is the power of motivation, which requires by all means to achieve goals. Believe in yourself and around you would not dare to doubt! The art of negotiation, debates, discussions, based on your communicative competence. Able to effectively conduct negotiations must absolutely everyone, and especially a manager or leader. You are constantly negotiate - at home, work, shop ... in any situation where you are trying to resolve contradictions, to smooth the differences, resolve conflicts, establish or develop a relationship, you are entering into negotiations.
Owning the art of effective communication, you can significantly improve the results of their influence on others. To be a good leader, you must first learn to govern themselves. Only skilled ownership of their emotional displays will allow you to lead others. Any negotiations, ultimately - is dialogue. Each participant in the dialogue they pursue their specific goals. And these goals can be as explicit, open and indirect and concealed. There is no doubt that the emotional competence becomes crucial for disavowing and understanding of these goals. Correct "interpretation" of emotional displays companion increases the accuracy and completeness of understanding your opponent.
So, once again draw attention to the fact that the dialogue is a conversation for at least two participants. Such a conversation requires that all participants followed by his subject, which in turn implies - all participants follow the common sense of the negotiations. Assume that everyone tries to control his emotions, hiding their true intentions. He needs to control more and emotional manifestations of the other participants in the negotiations! Agree, the problem is not easy! In many ways, can help to fitness. But there are some rules you follow to simplify their tasks.
If you are more interested in the goals of the interlocutor in the dialogue, then give him the initiative, even more than he says. Themselves listen more, trying to show interest and attention, more silent and do not reasonably lengthy pause. This will allow you to concentrate on his hidden emotional manifestations. The interviewee must repeat several times what it considers important in his monologue, thus facilitating your task. And still more reliable than resort to the "Assistant", "Cadet," "Secretary", to whom you can delegate some of the observations. Of course, only if you believe that such a helper handle, and that he can be trusted with such observations.