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Fairy tales

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Fairy tales

Flight of fancy baby is limitless. At a young age, children genuinely believe in magic! The kid is still far from learning the laws of physics and understanding of the humble human capabilities. In their vast fantasy world ruled by infinite desire and belief in a fairy tale. It is still a fun childhood flowing river: the child may be a knight, to expect all day visitor from the moon or to be sure that his house magic wall missing people. A flexible approach to the realization of reality, plus the curiosity to all corners of the universe give children a special, mysterious magical image. Recalls his childhood dream still pink, and because the children themselves on the run to invent a story, investing in real kind of fantasy scenery.

And of course, in every conceivable fantasy babe associate themselves with any character. It is from this moment begins a deep role in the development of tales child's character. Tale is always a model - a story, woven through good and evil, the story is based on overcoming the difficulties due to ingenuity, courage, courage. Listening to the unpretentious story of the night, the child is going through a lot of emotions and makes its choice in favor of the characters. Arranges its rating and to try on someone else's actions. Child's brain is hard at work, seeing the story, dorisovyvaya missing facts relevant to forming life values.
Each of us has a favorite tale. Knowing who associates himself an adult, you can understand what life model he prefers. Sleeping Beauty - wake up, and that everything was ready. Urfin Juce - militant commander, sweeping away everything in its path. Cinderella - diligent housewife, while the prince at work. Children's tales , as some patterns can give the color of our souls.

And in the relations mother and baby fairy tale - this is an additional, very valuable form of communication, because the story makes it possible to look at the situation from the outside. Through the story you can see life, introducing the behavior as a role in a plot. Also allows the tale to penetrate the mental state of characters and often shows how the characters coped with a difficult situation, to establish control over their condition. fairy tales develop emotional-volitional sphere of the child and remain in memory as an integral part of childhood.
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