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Family Budget

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Family Budget

How to allocate your finances? Difficult question! Do you have to give everything to the last penny into the general treasury and spend all the funds earned for the benefit of his family? Or you have the right to waste in their own interests? My friend Anton operates sales representative. His income depends on him and on his efforts. Live by the principle: how many earn so much and eat, Anton has always been profitable. For he was famous for his ability to work, commitment and ability to achieve good performance. Its sales have always been well above average, and therefore earnings was worthy.

His case worsened after Anton married. It was a strange pattern, the more ustakanivalas his family life, the more getting better everyday life, the less it worked and, therefore, get less.

Once I came to visit them to assess the repair and rearrangement of furniture. Nina, wife of Anton, I seemed very nice, pleasant, friendly and economical. Anton also looked as if eaten pounds of lemons, and still could not ochuhatsya. As soon as Nina left the room, I inquired:

-Hey, buddy, what's up? In my opinion, your wife - just a treasure? Or are you not satisfied with family life?

At that Anton sighed dejectedly:

-In general, pleased. Only here career went downhill! No incentive to earn! She takes all my salary and spend it on your own for utilities, repairs, on new furniture and utensils. What is the reason I make money, if I can not dispose of them yourself on your own?

This is indeed an occasion to reflect. Of course, most people are brought up with the installation: the family did not mind. But if you give all the funds earned in the common fund, the process of making money becomes the oppressive and uninteresting: what's the difference how much you work hard, anyway you do not perepadet. So do not go to extremes - it's not in your best interest.

Give to the family budget as much as you want. In addition, if your salary is just the lion's share of family savings, do not hesitate to take an active part in financial decision making. You have every right to know where to go make you money, and, of course, can express their wishes. For example, if you want to buy a car, and your half wants to go to sea, is to discuss your views and, after weighing all the pros and cons, and decide what is best not to you or your partner, and what is best for your family.

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