Family therapy
Clinical psychologist, is carrying out together with defectology, neurologists, psychiatrists and other professionals, diagnosis and correction of children with various disabilities - a phenomenon understandable and familiar. Much less in an interdisciplinary team of specialists include family psychologist. Currently, the idea of family influence on the etiology and treatment of many mental and physical illness became apparent, and the need to work with the parents aware of all the sharper. Psychotherapeutic component of work with families to varying degrees implemented by all professionals involved with the child. In some cases you can do just advice on a rational level (to provide necessary information about the status and prospects of development of the child, to show the need for certain steps in the development and education, etc.), but sometimes this is not enough.
There are situations when you want to help a family psychologist, and sometimes the connection of family therapy. These situations can be attributed to many familiar cases:
- Termination of corrective training for some improvement in the child;
- Ongoing consultation with parents of different specialists, treatment by traditional healers, psychics (often without the use of real measures for training and development of your child) - the so-called walking in a circle;
- Rejection of the parents the fact the child's disability;
- Excessive disability of the child in his own eyes;
- Rejection of the fact of his growing up;
- School problems, no objective reasons, the reluctance of children to attend school.
These and other problems are secondary to the functioning of the child's family, and quite successfully amenable to correction as a result of family therapy. Seeking psychological help - a difficult and crucial step for any person and the family as a whole. Frighteningly dangerous foreign influence, the need to change habitual ways of life. Usually for help turn into extreme, critical situations, when desperation overcomes this fear. In cases not voluntary treatment, as if to a psychologist parents guide other professionals, we often encounter resistance and lack of necessary motivation to work together. Solving these problems requires some long time and considerable effort.

Family therapy - one of the approaches to modern psychotherapy, which acts as a client is not an individual that exhibits those or other violations, but his entire family, and psychopathological symptom is not seen by itself, but as a function of inadequate intra-family relationships. Every man is a piece of the family system and, of course, suffers from its effects. Currently, there are many different areas of family therapy with different theoretical orientations, the interpretation of family structure and its role in the origin of psychic and somatic diseases, as well as the methods used. In recent years, the most widespread in the West got a systematic approach ksemeynoy psychotherapy. One of the highlights of the therapist in this approach is a way of organizing the information received.
Content (basic outline of events) in a conversation with the customer to isolate easily enough, but this content is to analyze? In a more familiar, linear description of the situation (event A caused an event B) focuses on temporal sequences of events. Preferable to use the same circular description, in which the value of past events assessed in the light of subsequent ones. For example, one of the examples mentioned above "going in circles" can be represented as the following circular sequence:
1) the mother is depressed after a divorce;
2) the child has problems that require its attention;
3) she was busy and the child's own experiences do not have time;
4) the situation is improving, but the deteriorating condition of the mother, etc.
Each case is treated separately, not one single method. Even with the external coincidence cases symptoms may differ, and to act if needed in different ways. In family therapy can be used many different techniques. Highly effective are so-called paradoxical techniques (willful exaggeration of the paradoxical behavior patterns of clients), among them such as prescribing the family not to change anything, but to exercise their symptomatic behavior under control.
Finally, it should be noted that families with sick children can function as normal healthy family, nothing from them and subject to differing in their development all the usual laws. This family is dysfunctional, if focuses on the disease, "lives with unhappiness." In particular, such a fixation on the disease may be due to the fact that the mother feels guilty for the birth of a sick child and trying to be a "good mother" takes everything on himself, doing everything for the child, depriving him of his responsibilities, making him more helpless than he is, and thus his invalidiziruya. In such cases, it is important to positively redefine the relationship of mother to child, to show her that she was really a good mother. As a result, the family can stop focusing on sickness, and functioning of the child become more successful.