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Famous people and Astrologers Part 1

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Famous people and Astrologers (Part 1)

Why some people are lucky and some unlucky? Why would someone rich and famous, and someone runs a janitor? To be rich, healthy and happy in love everything they want. But for some reason, only a few people have truly big money, for some reason only some marry millionaires and for some reason, success and fortune accompany only elected ... incorrectly assume that successful you can be born. Luck can win, if in time to heed the advice of those who are available to the secret knowledge of the past, present and future. Those who are better than you know about your abilities and limits. I'm talking about astrology. That is resorting to their services are the most rich and famous, namely the brightest stars of show business and Hollywood, as well as billionaires, politicians and presidents of countries. 

Film star Kerry Washington , not so long ago rastorgnuvshaya engagement to actor David Moscow, asked the personal astrologer to help her search for the "perfect man". The actress became engaged to Moscow even 2 years ago, but the wedding never took place. Kerry, as told by her closest friends, very hard going through the gap in depression. It is no wonder that now she does not want to err in love again. However, as stressed Washington, she still chooses his men: "I just tell the astrologer time and place of birth of a potential suitor, as it determines whether we favor the star or not. But the final decision, I still reserve the ". Kerry - is not the only Hollywood celebrity who use the services of professional astrologers to find "the perfect man." 

In 2004, former member of the renowned group "Spice Girls" Gerry Halliwell , who has been involved in romances with such stars of show business as Robbie Williams, Chris Evans, Jerry O'Connell, seek advice from well-known British astrologer Mother Love. "She complained that none of her boyfriends is not ready for a serious relationship. I gave her some important tips and, in particular, recommended the special purple ribbon. I myself wore this, and during that time met with three cute moneybags ", - said Mum. It seems that Jerry has neglected her advice. Last year, the singer gave birth to a daughter, a marriage did not come out. 

During a concert tour of India famous rock musician Bryan Adams has visited a local astrologer to know his future. Indian astrologer SK Jain, invited Adams to his home in Bangalore, where about an hour talking about his fate. Jain, gave the singer a bottle of water from the Ganges River, a few medicines of Ayurveda for better health and a book "The Science of self-discovery." Before leaving, Adams was given a handkerchief and a wreath of flowers, and on his forehead struck the Indian traditional symbol - the red dot, or "Tilak". 

Indian astrologer Deok Nandan Shastri, head of the religious center of Varanasi, modestly considers himself a "world-famous astrologer of American movie stars." And it's true, his services are regularly used by such superstars as Michael Jackson and Goldie Hawn . In 2003-2004. When the King of Pop was in the center of loud proceedings relating to allegations of child molestation. If convicted on all counts Jackson faces up to 20 years imprisonment. Horoscope astrologer was the singer and said: ".... The heavenly bodies was told that the defendant will be acquitted." Indeed, in 2005 Michael Jackson was acquitted. 

Indian film stars prefer another astrologer - a priest from Bangalore Chandrashekara Swami. That it was a horoscope for the Miss World - 94 " Aishwarya Rai , who in January 2007 adopted a proposal of marriage made by the rising star of Bollywood Abhishek Bachchan. A year ago, in an interview with private television Eenadu TV Swami said in regard to this pair, which "coincided horoscopes:" This is certainly a perfect match. " And he's right - Aishwarya Rai shines with happiness ever since she got married. 

In Hollywood, where, as we know, "the stars than in heaven," many of the actors turn to the services of a famous astrologer Jackie Stallone, who is the mother of Sylvester Stallone star fighters. According to Jackie, for its services even "overseas celebrities": "One day I came to David and Victoria Beckham ! They wondered how their marriage is strong. " Totaled four horoscope Beckham, Jackie hastened to reassure the star pair: "All it turned out that such eccentric geezer like David and Victoria all his life will be side by side." 

Jennifer Lopez to present the most demanded and highly paid singer and actress of Hispanic origin. According to the magazine "Forbes" J. Lo is the fifth position among the hundred most outstanding personalities of America. Her hits are constantly kept in top positions in charts worldwide. After the official announcement of the cancellation of the engagement to Ben Affleck Hollywood actress again sought the advice of his astrologer about her romantic future. She has already consulted with the astrologer, when the wedding was postponed in September "in connection with the increased media attention." Apparently, the then useful tips Lopez if she again decided to take the help of an expert is not terrestrial, and celestial stars. The astrologer was right - after a while beauty met her current husband Marc Anthony. 

Domestic celebrities following in the footsteps of stars overseas - many of them will not only appeal to astrologers, but also have their own personal astrologers. For example, film and stage actress - Marina Mogilev . In her interview, she said that it was thanks to his astrologer to get rid of the depressive mood. Astrologer calls her in the morning and tells what will be the day, and if it's not a very good event, the morning after the warning, they are perceived psychologically much easier. 

Angelika Varum and Leonid Agutin - one of the most romantic couples among the stars of show business. Office romances Leonid Agutin and Angelika Varum more than 10 years. "Barefoot Boy" and "Mademoiselle" La-la-fa met at the peak of his career, in 1995, the year, behind the scenes TV show, agreed on a joint project, and gone-gone. As the saying goes, I met you - and all! Their wedding was a lush and beautiful and even during marriage, it was clear that the Angelica in an interesting position. The couple was born a girl. But few know that astrologers had predicted them to a beautiful novel, a luxurious wedding and the birth of their beloved daughter, when they were barely familiar! 

The rising young star, fabrikantka Zara absolutely sure that the stars are telling the truth. She found this more than once. When Zara began a passionate affair with his son the governor of Leningrad region, Valentina Matvienko, Sergei, she turned to an astrologer who advised her not to marry this man, promising a speedy divorce. Lovers, despite the gloomy forecast, got married, but very soon their marriage fell apart. "I always listen to your heart" - recognizes Zara. "That's the first time, went out for love. Madly loved her husband. But the astrologer was right - our star went in different directions .... ". Once again, Zara turned to an astrologer before they decided to go on "Star Academy" to Victor Drobysh. And according to a favorable prognosis - good luck actually smiled at her! 

Renowned astrologer Pavel Globa some time now a rare guest in Moscow, - he lives in Germany. There he has a new family, and astrological school. Home visits only for lectures and making personal VIP-horoscopes. One of his clients - Irina Allegrova . Music star compares with the Stars tour program. "In May, planned a great trip to Germany. On more than a month. How are we all going to happen? "- Asks Allegrova Globa. "In May, the eclipse will be consequences. This will be a triumph. This is a very good time for you "- soothing singer astrologer. Irina Allegrova the first time turned to a famous astrologer ten years ago, when she drove a new Jeep. "He told me exactly the place named, said someone stole and why. I was shocked. True, he once said that the machine will not find "- says the singer. 

Not always portend good things astrologers ... famous actress Larisa Guzeyeva not believe in fortune telling and horoscopes as long as predicted her fatal events are not fulfilled. - My husband and Igor were on television - says Larissa. - Came up to me one very famous woman astrologer: "I want you to make a horoscope!" I told her sharply replied: "I do not want any of horoscopes! You are not the first, who to me with this approach. " She smiled and said: "You just tell me when they were born. Most of you do not need anything. " It just took me into submission, and I told her to name the date and place of birth. The woman gives me, looking into the eyes: "You will have a monstrous summer. You waiting for financial collapse, you will lose much. This will be to blame your spouse. And the peak of the trouble will be in mid-July. "The worst thing that with the onset of summer, I realized that the fateful prophecy comes true, up to the last detail! - Actress confesses. - In July, I wanted to climb the wall! It was feeling of complete hopelessness. We Igor suffered a terrible situation. I work hard day and night to give the money to us kinuvshim freak! " 

Singer Alsou in his time, too, had my astrology and heard from them about what Ian Abramov - it is the only man who granted a meeting with her fate. Soon Yang made her an offer ... After the young couple received the parental blessing, they began to conduct vigorous debate on the topic of: when a wedding? To select the best indicators of stellar wedding date Alsou again turned to a professional astrologers. Astrologers advised to get married on March 18, that marriage was a prosperous and strong. They also reported that the singer will soon be a mom, even though the pregnancy Alsou there were not unknown to anyone but her family ... 

The popularity of astrology has now reached an unprecedented magnitude. Even those who consider themselves atheist, ie, the man who denied the existence of any higher power, according to statistics, by all means read with interest the column in the newspaper about his zodiac sign, because the subconscious of everyone concerned, and often worried about the future. The predictions of the astrologers are transmitted on television. Books on this subject are published in millions of copies and disperse in a few days. People want to know your future! More so then the future they predict the eternal stars! Everyone wants to know more of what he can see and hear, everyone wants to know their future, their fate, as well as the way you can avoid potential errors, the risks of disease. Finally, who do not want to be happy, rich, loved ones, successfully move up the career ladder, to be sociable with people, happy to arrange his family life, to make a good impression on others, be a significant ... What is astrology? Deception, truth, honest science? ... "If all that we predict would not be true, then who would have us turn now?" - Meet the astrologers. - "The surest way to increase the percentage of their confidence in the stars - to appeal to a professional astrologer and make a personal horoscope!" ... 

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