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Favorite foods of children

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Favorite foods of children

Many parents are afraid of eating rely solely on the tastes of his child, believing that he was mature enough to choose it needs food. This is absolutely not true. As a rule, children do an excellent job with this task without the help of adults they are able to form an excellent diet, which would satisfy all the needs of the growing organism. This is fully proved by the well-known pediatrician Clara Davis, who decided to find out what would be the diet of children, if they are in power will be guided by their preferences, if they will find a wide selection of dishes. For the experiment, she selected three children aged from eight to ten months, who did not tried other than breast milk, so they had no aversion or preference to a particular food.

During feeding, the children exhibited six to eight dishes with simple healthy foods: vegetables, fruits, cereals, meat, black bread, milk, etc. Kids have assisted only when it was clear what they want to try. For example, when the child tried to grab handle something with the plates, they gave him a teaspoon of this dish. Further, the child again stretched to any dish. The experiment revealed some very important circumstances. So, kids who are given a choice of different food, perfectly developed. In other words, none of them became obese and died of malnutrition. Moreover, the diet of the child for a certain period of time included all the necessary for a growing body fats, proteins, carbohydrates and minerals. It might seem that the baby is fed in accordance with the precise scientific recommendations.
And finally: Clara Davis was faced with the fact that the favorite foods of children were constantly changing. For example, the baby could have a few days to live exclusively on cereals, then proceed to the intensive use of meat products, then switched to vegetables. In other words, the child intuitively determine exactly what substances he did not have enough at the moment, therefore, actively absorb food containing large amounts of it missing the body of the substance. So, dear parents, trust your baby. If your child into a meal of abandoned cereal, but ate a double and even triple serving of vegetable salad, do not make a tragedy of this, it means that your child simply is vital at this point of substance that contains it in a salad.

 Maybe you and it is difficult to reconcile with this fact, as will show that he is not fed up. However, for the sake of the child's health, both physical and psychological, have a few to reconsider their views on food. As is known, the person has an intuitive knowledge that it is useful. That's why Listen carefully to yourself and your baby. By the way, parents are very important to know of what constitutes healthy food. For example, if you will feed her baby exclusively sweets, guided by his desires, which in early childhood are distorted due to repeated offers him sweets or smoked, it is hardly going to his advantage. To me at the reception one day came a woman, the mother of five daughters, who complained that her little girl absolutely nothing to eat, if a dish is not added sugar.

Before she ate a few spoonfuls of porridge or soup, parents had to put on the table a lot of sweets or pre-cook dishes with a sweet taste. Sometimes it went so far that it required her to sweeten the soup. Baby in the family was a unique and highly anticipated, and therefore all her whims were carried out without question. Little tiransha vengeance used parental love, so almost every day overate candies, chocolates and biscuits. Of course, such a circumstance could not affect its shape. Prior to being overweight is not reached yet, but the girl looked quite well-fed. Of course, required major changes in behavior and attitude toward his daze especially parents.

I advised the mother a little more strict attitude to his daughter: if she refuses to eat without a proper, in its opinion, the pay does not insist, but simply remove the plate until the next feeding, eliminating, where possible, a variety of snacks between meals. On the other hand, parents should work with the character of her daughter, trying to instill her objective self-esteem. Get rid of the daughter of the vagaries of the parents were able only when a girl at some time had to leave a large relative. Here, no one paid any attention to her moods, so that the girl was soon used to build normal relationships with others. Therefore, when the parents returned, they did not know his child, who had forgotten all about their old habits.
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