Fear of ill
The first and most common way of ordering his illnesses are endless fears that are not sick you something awful. Grounds for the emergence of such fears, more than enough. For example, it could be a description of symptoms in various medical and recreational literature. And if the symptom is described sufficiently convincing, then who does not find it here? This experience of illness your family and friends - unless you do not have these same symptoms, as they have? And if not, then maybe you have them badly looking for? This experience of your own past diseases that give rise to fear ill again. This is a television with a story about various cases of poisoning or diseases that happened to other people. Are you worse? This advertisement, in which people in a white coat tells us how many billions of microbes living in appalling and we are just waiting for the moment to subtly attack those who have not bought them a miraculous cure. Etc.
In general, the fear of ill - is normal for the vast majority of people. Fear serves a positive role in trying to get people to take some steps to avoid disease. For example, to buy and drink it the most miraculous cure. Or at least do morning exercises. But more often the fear you can not force a man to make at least something to improve their health. It all boils down to endless experiences on the theme "I suddenly something sick." And if you relish the long theme of "Suddenly I'm sick", the subconscious mind interprets it as a prolonged stressful situation and try to reassure you. It will give you something that makes you nervous. From the most well-intentioned, it will create your desired condition that you no longer nervous. So give the baby a toy that he stopped crying.
According to estimations the subconscious, received a long awaited event (ie illness), people will have to calm down (after all, the logic of the subconscious rather primitive and does not change with time). But very few people calm down, getting the disease, which feared a long time. Rather, making sure that the fear was not in vain, the man plunges into the next stage of experience, ie in the fight against disease, which spawned by their own fears. In general, the rest we can only dream ... Here is an example of this situation. A young girl meets her beloved boys, but very afraid of getting pregnant because their relationship was not issued, and in general having a baby is not yet included in her plans. As a result, each intimate encounter with the beloved is a major stress for her despite all the precautions. Subconscious reaction to her stress, she organizes a problem with those bodies that are responsible for childbearing.

One would think, live and be happy, baby will not have in any situation, you've tried this! But is she can be happy that she blocked genital function? Of course not. She immediately immersed in the stress about his disease and is beginning to fight with him. All the efforts of the subconscious to help her go down the drain ... something like this could be a mechanism to create his own fears of disease. What to do, that this mechanism samozakaza disease did not work? Cease to worry and to fear. Thank your own for taking care of you, send him your love and gratitude. And then transform it into an image of confidence and calmness. And then the mechanism samozakaza no longer be effective.
If the disease already exists and you are afraid, as if it has not increased, then the sequence of actions will be the same. Need to visualize the (imagined) image of his fear. Thank him for his attention to your health, send him a huge flow of love and gratitude for taking care of you. And then trasformirovat it in the image of confidence that you will soon recover. Further need to constantly nurture the image of confidence for his love and gratitude, that it completely replaced the image of the fear out of your subconscious. Then the healing process will go ten times faster.