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Fear of losing his own I

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Fear of losing his own "I"

Fear of losing his own "I" - one of the most common negative emotional states. What man would do, he eventually makes it to yourself, looking for himself, knows himself. Engaging in dialogue, wondering their opinion, each of us tends to compare it with its own, to compare, make sure in the end they were right. But anyone with a priority no matter how he or belonged to their own opinion, defends its not so much because he considers it absolutely true, but because it is "his" opinion. For many people agree with the reviewer, admit they were wrong even on a private matter - a very painful procedure. This loss of credibility, respect and self-esteem, loss of part of his "I".

In many cases, through perseverance in defending their own position is the fear of losing his own ego , self-surrender, losing their individuality. This emotional state is often natural, but taking roots, becoming a steady feature of psychological nature, this quality sometimes takes all the signs of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Such neurosis is often accompanied with aggressiveness. Person in advance with nothing does not agree to it his own opinion, right or wrong, it becomes a "safe haven" of personality, an expression of supreme value. Increasing, this quality is becoming a form of adaptation.

Afraid to dispel the "self", a person shall not enter into a dispute, and if they argue, only declares his own position, not even agreeing to discuss it. Any disagreement with them is regarded as an infringement on their rights, insults, an underestimation of his personal and professional qualities. In dealing with a person of similar beliefs and mental stereotypes need to split the actual position of the (controversial) and the person who stands behind him. We are required to be maintained as impersonal categories of some kind of an unrelated subject. It is possible if the interviewee agrees to look the part on all sides of the issue, all opinions. In the discussion if it identifies those things that "are known to all and shared by all" who "do not contradict the facts and, finally, that" do not depend on one's assessment. "
Fear of being misunderstood - as mental stereotype, which causes difficulty in communication. At the heart of it can be a variety of factors: the defects of pronunciation, discomfort of various aspects of communication, previously formed complexes of uncertainty, shyness. Excessive sensitivities can also leverage this mental state. Constant doubt that his words, comments and actions can not be so construed, promotes stiffness, Tongues, embarrassment. And these qualities even more enhance this mental stereotype. People are touchy, easily vulnerable, once having experienced neglect, ridicule their own judgments, ridicule and parody, seek no longer give rise to similar discomfort. Even after being forced to lead a public discussion of the business issue they face enormous difficulties.

With such a man to behave extremely sensitively, listen attentively to his speech. Must constantly encourage them: "This is very true remark ...", "your proposition a lot of what me and had no idea", "your question is about the most painful points of the problem", etc. We must be able to articulate that proposition interlocutor understood, taken into account. Clarification of them want to do in concrete form. Fear misunderstand the issue under discussion and to exhibit in this regard in the ridiculous - and can often hinder communication. There may be many reasons that give rise to this mental state: A person may not be quite ready to discuss the issue, his state of health and well-being may be far from the best of conditions, skills, knowledge, skills and experience can enhance this quality.

Finally, people with slow reaction time might not always have time to follow the course of rapidly changing situations in communication. Desiring to achieve maximum constructive result, it is necessary to diagnose the interlocutor on these qualities and lead a conversation on this channel, which allows us to implement the free exchange of views. To remove the eternal embarrassment to the interlocutor, in this case, we must thoroughly and describe in detail the issue under discussion, break it into blocks and ensure that your partner will understand the essence of each block separately and all together. At each stage of the discussion is recommended to take stock, to formulate them in simple terms. You can continue to communicate only when received further confirmation that the result of the previous phase is understood and accepted.
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