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Fears and concerns for his love

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Fears and concerns for his love

You are always afraid of your feelings, you think that something might interfere with your happiness: your lover can stop loving you, or someone will try to separate you. Is it normal to such a state of high anxiety for couples or is it a sign that your sense of unstable and sooner or later it's still going to die? " fears and concerns for their love is a natural symptom of love, he says that your sense of developing all the rules and standards.

Lovers tend to panic and exaggerate the danger that may threaten their love, they worry that foreign influence can destroy their feelings. The main fear, which can pursue them - a fear of losing a beloved, fear unthinkable for both separation. During this period, the world seems hostile to you start towards your strong feelings. Usually, this increased anxiety is typical for the initial stage of relationship when you still can not cope with the emotions plaguing you.

Having fallen in love and realizing that your love is mutual, you gain harmony and happiness. But the man is so constituted that long in a state of serene happiness can not. Even if there is no threat of a changing environment in which you are, if there are no visible obstacles to the development of your relationship, you still get nervous and start to worry, you can invent and create problems where none exist. Do not think that you will live in constant anxiety for your lover and your love. Gradually you get used to the fact that your sense of sincerity and mutual, that it from others is not threatened.
To deal with such manifestations of love is useless. In this situation, you can help is time. Over time, your emotional stress melts away. Someone mistakenly thinks such changes in the relationship for the cooling of the senses. In fact, your body and your heart in love just tired to be in constant tension, so you'll be taken to a new development stage of your relationship.

How long can last state of anxiety over your feelings? Three-year milestone is critical for the senses. This is evidenced by the observation "seasoned" lovers, who say that after a few years, a period of habituation. It was then that goes a sense of "infinite" happiness and anxiety. Someone calls it cooled, someone - a sense of stabilization.
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