Fears that excite a woman
Yes, some of her fears can be put into its service. In fact, so to speak, to improve the quality of sexual life. Psychophysiology, studying the relationship of the brain with feelings and emotions that have long found that the centers responsible for the aggression, fear and sexual arousal, are very close. And women, they seem closer than we have, though, because in their fantasy situations with a sense of fear and helplessness, occupy much more space than our own. A brief rundown of the most common female fantasies. Thus, fears that excite a woman.
Many women dream of being raped. Naturally, so as not to be subjected to serious danger and that the perpetrator was a tall broad-shouldered slender brunette with expressive eyes and sensual lips. Well, or something like that. It must be so cute, so she could let him voluntarily. Here is the original desire. I repeat, this fantasy is very, very common among the ladies. Why? Oddly enough, it's not just adrenaline, which increases the excitement.
In this situation, there is no place guilt. It behaves like a respectable, but what was happening to her, from her independent. As a joke about a nun. She had been raped several vagrants, and she got up and otryahnuvshis, crossed herself and said: "Thank you, Lord ... No sin and satiety. Keyword - without sin. Most women who have sex subconsciously believe they are doing something wrong. Something shameful, unworthy of a lady. But like ... It turns out that pleasure is not the same. Sense of guilt prevents completely relax and experience the real pleasure.
And when the rape, she had done nothing wrong - he came from. How it all feels like a women! Worthwhile to try her conversation on this topic. If she admits to such a desire, feel free to work. Provided that you do not wish to be bound and whipped strict mistress. Well, in the end, you can change ... the scene to determine the degree of credibility to you: you can just tie her hands behind her back and blindfolded, and you can make a real sado-masochistic play.
2.Neznakomets in the mask
A woman wants to have sex with a stranger, the first counter, which it is given rapidly, with a twinkle. The next morning they parted, never to meet. It is advisable not even know the name of this person. And quite good - not to see his face. A sort of Captain Nemo's ... similar in principle to the violence fantasy. Actually, not very fancy, but the reasons for its emergence. Having sex with a stranger can be more relaxed and allow yourself some freedom. She met him once and will never see.
And he would not consider it perverse and dissolute girl. Well, then there will, of course, but she does not care - she was his first and last time he sees. He never, never tell over a beer, that his wife loves these things. As all the same poison them sexuality education and stereotypes, living in a society! Poor creatures ... In short, the whole trick is that you do not care about what you think about your loved one. Therefore, the thought of sex with a stranger frighten and excite the woman is much stronger than most hard porn.
Why not play this game? Does not need to do plastic surgery. We can restrict the black half mask. Well, little changed demeanor. To give, so to speak, your imagination run wild and make some previously repressed desires. Can turn out quite well. True, will irritate the thought that she was asleep and did not like as you, but with the most stranger ... But women are generally inclined to think the devil knows that God knows who, when having sex. So you lose a little bit. A purchase can unforgettable experience.
3.Smena sex
It's like in the movie "9 1 / 2 weeks." She puts on a suit, sticks tendrils - and forward to explore the city at night. Is also possible to change roles in the bed. That is, it acts as a facilitator. The whole point in adrenaline and novelty of the situation. While it may be another reason. She just wants to take revenge on you for those grabbing her ass in the most inappropriate places. However, this is just a guess ... Well, she wants it, so why not arrange for such a masquerade? The problem can occur only with the clothing of appropriate size. Well, this can be solved by going to the teen department. So that it was filled, you can tie a small fight at a nightclub along a drink (then, maybe she will stop sarcastic about the most sensitive individuals, when you suffer with a hangover), remove the two cute little girls (and offer her unleash one of them - to understand what fools women are in fact) and so on. Well this is all a joke, of course. Although ...
4.Smena sex. Option 2
Homosexual fantasies are often in women. They are generally easier to apply to same-sex love. Pulls them to each other. Therefore, they are more willing to go to such experiments than we do. And get more pleasure. The type we are still very rough and all that. More than once I asked these experiments lovers, with whom did it better - with a man or a woman. All as one answer - the woman is better because she knows and understands, but then when it was over, starts longing for the male member. Well, it's so little digression ... So, she sometimes wants to have sex with a woman.
You can help her in two ways - to find a girlfriend or a time to become a girlfriend yourself. The second, perhaps more difficult, but it is not impossible. Not necessarily shave their legs and painted eyes (though many women like to look at a man in make-up - the same longing for love pink). You can simply change the name for one night - let your name is Masha and Caroline. You will still, as she pleased. Um ... but it is unclear at what is fear? Yeah, I surely suggest, not so much fear is involved, how much sense that it does something forbidden. Well, it's not so far from fear. Because there is a likelihood of punishment. Oh, those women!