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Feelings and body

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Feelings and body

Often people do not understand their feelings, try to ignore them (especially negative) because, when feelings obvious to himself, but we do not know how to handle them, they can deliver a lot of inconvenience. For example, many childhood used to hear parents shouting: "Stop crying! Mad bad! Doesh to the end! "If you are an obedient people (the child), your own feelings can be inconvenient to you, because they cause a negative reaction of other people. And then simply learn to repress, ignore, and so on. In this case we solve the problem of survival in a comfortable childhood, but as adults, are confronted with the fact that we can not defend themselves because they do not find anger in itself, but only fear, when we are attacked, or can not say 'no' something hideous, as disgust long hidden in the depth of the subconscious.

The main reception of awareness - this is a natural process of simple observation with verbalization (ie, naming) that feel, perceive your senses. Describe what happens to you and around you, since the phrase every time the words "Now I realize that I hear ..." and list all the sounds that you hear is not adding to them any interpretations, but calling himself a sound. For example: "I can hear the sound of machinery in hours, the rustle of the passing cars outside the window, keyboard clatter, as I write this text, the hollow sound of steps outside the door, wind noise, hum, the fan in the computer system unit.

 This text is the interpretation, but they are few and they are based on real facts. If you say: "I hear nervnyeshagi the door, the sound of a passing bus, humming computer", then in this text many interpretations that do not relate to reality, since we do not know, the nerve is steps outside the door, the bus if it passed, and humming it the entire computer or only some of its mechanisms. Do this exercise 5 minutes. Wind the clock so that it rang five minutes later, and then write in a diary of observations to answer the following questions:
What was most difficult for you in this exercise?

Repeated Are you naming the sounds? If not repeated, why not?

Was there a pattern in how you called sounds? For example, at first only the sounds of the room, then - just outside the window, then - at the door, or at first very loud, then quiet, or the first sounds made by human beings, and then - things?

Did you hear your own sounds? What?

So, how do you choose the sounds that you call it, can testify to how to arrange your selective perception. Describe what happens to you and around you, since the phrase every time the words "I now realize what I see ..." and list all the items that you see, all that register your eyes, not adding to them any interpretations, but only referring to the visible. Allow for this exercise for 5 minutes. When the alarm will ring, write in a diary to answer the following questions:

• What was most difficult for you in this exercise?

• Repeat Are you naming of objects? If not repeated, why not?

• Was there a pattern in how you call things?

• Describe whether you see yourself? Other people in the room?

• What are the feelings you experienced when doing this exercise?

Describe what happens to your body, since the phrase every time the words "Now I realize that I feel (I feel) ..." and list all the sensations of your body: thermal sensation, pressure, touch, tension and pain. Take the attention your whole body from top to bottom or vice versa. Feel the touch of clothing, hair. Try to feel your face. Feel what's inside your contact with the furniture on which you sit. Avoid interpretations. Allow for this exercise for 5 minutes. When the alarm will ring, write down the answers to these questions:

• What was most difficult for you in this exercise?

• Repeat if you are in the naming of sensations? If not repeated, why not?

• Was there a pattern in how you call it feel?

• Have you felt the only external sensations (on the border of your skin) or if you feel something inside your body?

• What are the feelings you experienced when doing this exercise?

• What do you feel now? How exactly are you feeling now?

• Have you ever noticed how the emotion is your face? What? What are you talking about?

Some in this exercise may detect pain or fatigue. This may indicate that you usually do not notice the pain or fatigue, and it's time to pay attention to this. Others may feel puzzled because in general have little understanding of what is happening to their body. Still others can be very relaxing and even fall asleep - well, a great remedy for insomnia! If you feel a strong emotional tension or trembling - Sit with your back straight but without tension, lower the shoulders down and allow your lungs to breathe - so that they are not squeezing the diaphragm, or your breasts are not limited to the knees. Free breathing evens out the emotional state and makes your body more freely and controlled, manageable.

Start your sentence "Now I understand ..." and name that you are aware of, and add "... and I find it a pleasant (or unpleasant)." If this assessment does not arise in your mind, try to say at random - and see whether it is right for you. Complete the sentence with the words "... and I find it bad (or good). Try to combine this exercise with the previous example: "Now I realize that ... I find it enjoyable and bad." Start your sentence "Now I realize that I can see (hear) ... and I imagine (fantasize) that is ...." Here you can interpret as you see fit, realizing that it is - your fantasies that you attach meaning. Record your observations after each of these exercises.

If, in conversation with another person you feel vulnerable, feel anxious or anxiety - is a normal and useful, if you cross your legs or arms, support themselves by the elbow by helping yourself samopomoschv difficult situation. Many have read books on sign language. Usually these books are seen as a guide to reading thoughts. But realistically, gestures do not give accurate information to the person who sees them, but only help to understand yourself to someone who makes them. This is due to the fact that, despite the similarities, each person experiences different states at the same gestures, facial expressions or voice intonations. And it is impossible to guess, but you can only check. While working at the training, each participant in the group usually finds their individual ways to ignore the obvious, or "sort" the visible, audible and felt on some grounds. The following exercise should be done within a week whenever you interact with people. During the conversation, pay attention to several things.

1.What do you feel emotionally when speaking with your interlocutor? What are his words more often you respond emotionally (does not matter, it is negative or positive response).

2.What happens to your body while communicating and beyond?

3.What questions you ask yourself after this communication?

4.Interpretiruete you the words of another person during a conversation with him? For example, he says: "I ran out of money, and you think to myself:" He wants me to took him money? Paid for our lunch together at a restaurant? "

Write the answers to these questions in your diary and note what words are and how you interpreted. A week later, scroll your diary and try to identify what proportion of observations take your feelings and how much - an interpretation. If the feelings will be greater than the interpretations - you're on the right track. If you find that most of your observations - an enumeration of interpretations, it means that you have very little to look after themselves, rather disturbing and do not feel safe when dealing with other people, trying to guess what they think and what they want and not about what you want. We can not rule the world. We can not control other people. Because we - are not gods. All that is necessary for a happy life, we already have. Your main instrument - is yourself, and that's what you can realistically manage. The main supplier of information about themselves and the world - is feeling and the body .
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