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Female responses to tricky questions for men

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Female responses to tricky questions for men

1.Pochemu women is so important to get married?

Women need the stability and security. All this, in their opinion, the guarantee home, dear husband, family, children. Although they are well aware here that stamp in the passport does not guarantee this. But still. Normal female logic. True, we, too, believe that the punch - it does not guarantee. But for some reason trying to save his passport pristine at all costs. Logic, too little in this respect for life. But now the conversation is not about men. So, marriage - it is an opportunity to have a seed and grow it. And does not wish to wash your socks and keep track of how you would not drink too much.

Additional answer: to get an inheritance after the death of her husband.

2.For what they want to tear a man from his friends?

And not just from friends. From TV, newspapers, computer ... First of all, a woman, as you already know you need more communication. And the peace of communion. Boys are almost always played in large groups, while girls are very comfortable playing together. Something to discuss, something intimate to share, and so on. Women really appreciate it trusting relationship with a partner, and anyone who diverts his attention, is recorded in the competition. Secondly, so much easier to control the partner. It is not known since, that he would friends at the bar nasovetuyut-naboltayut ...

Additional answer: going to my eyes - so peaceful.

3.Sposobna whether the woman carried away by a married man?

Yes, easily. Then there are certain drawbacks, of course, who was married there, but not as to completely turn away from him too. The main disadvantage, as it is strange in that, in the opinion of women if men are willing to do so with his wife, then there is no guarantee that then do not do the same vile, and with this woman. Another minus - is unlikely to take to get married. But here the women prefer to believe the best. It all supposedly so special that for her sake he would give up anything. They too are naive to the impossibility.
Additional answer: and what married is different from the rest?

4.Kakie men women do not like the look?

Surprisingly, most do not like beards. Such is the sad fact. And the main motivation is that with hard kiss - irritation and all that. And in general to the exterior of men, they are much easier than we - to their beauty. The main thing that was not a freak. We are all in this plan more easily. Thank God we do not appreciate every day on the presentation, as we do with women.

5.Pochemu women twist Dynamo?

In fact, the dynamo they twist very rare (it is they think so). They just do not agree with the doctrine: "Who is the woman to dinner, he and her dancing." Women firmly believe that a simple dinner at an expensive restaurant, at our expense - occupation in itself is very exciting. Why do something else? And so after all was great. But many men are convinced that the right to expect something after a bouquet of flowers or in the evening at a restaurant. And if they refuse, they get frustrated. Here we have an absolute lack of understanding of each other's interests.

6.Lyubyat whether women rich?

Here I want to give the floor to women themselves (with the subsequent commentary, of course): "I think the myth that women (not prostitutes) love the rich, came up with lazy weaklings. In fact, women do not like rich men, strong men, who were able to achieve something and continue to operate. Women love not money, but the power of man, which made it like this: rich, robust, strong, confident and able to defend. " So here, brothers on the floor. The very sober attitude towards life and men. And quite uncompromising. However, as the women themselves.

Additional response: a good guy? Nice guy, and nothing more ...
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