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Female weakness as a way to manipulate men

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Female weakness, as a way to manipulate men

One of the most common ways manipulation is associated with an interesting paradox in human relations: we are more likely to succumb to the influence of "weak" people, those who can use our weakness, who easily asks for help, even if this does not need or could do without it. In the relations between men and women - is one of the easiest ways to manipulate. After a woman is by nature - the weaker sex, and she is so arranged that needs help more powerful of the human race. Most importantly - skillfully use this "advantage".

Female weakness, as a way to manipulate men, make the stronger sex to feel to feel its significance in the presence of ladies. Asking a man for help, you in some way make him a compliment: "This is a problem I can not cope without your help." Men like it very much. Perform any your request, they have come under your influence, your help, they give you to understand what you are willing to patronize, to help in the future - you can take advantage of that unspoken promise. The most basic requests can cause a man not just a desire to help, but an incredible sense of pride in their abilities: "I am such a capable and talented, and I'm quite easy to help you if you need it this way."

In addition, provide you services once a man is hard to deny you the next time you ask about something more serious. For example, change a light bulb and see what you have there in the engine knock, to help sort out a new computer program, etc. The most important thing - that your request has been feasible and consistent with skills and experience of men. If he can not help you, by the same token you put him in an awkward position, he may be embarrassed, and he left an unpleasant aftertaste from communicating with you. Later his "failure" might even be the reason that he will avoid you.

In general, invent tasks and tests for men, but not too complicated. The main thing - that he'll cope with them and become in some way for you fabulous deliverer from the small troubles that await you at every turn. Even if you own expertly versed in electronics and appliances, if you ace the device of your own car, it does not necessarily fly in the face of it. Men like it when a woman creates for him a better background when it is not so competent in so-called "male" issues.
If in your life there is nothing extraordinary and troubled - light bulbs do not sit down, the motor car is working perfectly - then it is appropriate to go for a little trick and myself "arrange" a little trouble and only then resort to your beau. What you should, for example, accidentally break the bulb, which does not want to sit down, or pull the hose from the carburetor? Women's helplessness in such basic household matters very funny men. But the help they are usually never discarded. And so one good thing can cause them to attack nobility. You can then feel free to contact them for help on more important and serious problems.
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