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Feng Shui for Children

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Feng Shui for Children

Dear parents, do not forget that children are much more sensitive and receptive to actions outside than adults. They are clear indicators, by some litmus test of destructive or creative energy at home. And take my word, if the children in some homes for no reason at all behave inappropriately, vyalenko start to act up or pulls to sleep, then in this room and the long stagnant energy "retrained" in destructive Sha Qi. Fortunately, the opposite is true. If you came to visit friends and children are beginning to play, have fun and behave well, it is a clear indicator of fresh and good energy Shen-Qi in the house. Yes, here we are irreplaceable, inimitable and unique helpers of God - children.

That is why it is impossible to overestimate the utmost importance to feng shui for children. So here and now parents to reflect on how the surrounding physical environment affects the child's development. After all, while children under our wings, under the care of mothers and fathers, we, fortunately, can still influence the course of their development, which spills over into adulthood. That's what responsibility we bear with you! So let's think together how we are using the canons of Feng Shui can improve the quality of life for our children.

Let me tell you about the canons of Feng Shui, by applying that, but many of my followers have improved the lives of their children. According to the canons of Feng Shui ideal place for children is on the east side apartment. Why? Because the east is the dominant element of the tree. A tree - this is the only element of the five, capable of growth. It is the eastern location of child provides spiritual and physical growth of the baby. It would seem easier to nowhere. However, this is just general advice, let's say, just the tip of a giant iceberg, called feng shui.

In allocating the bedrooms of your children can also be based on compass formula feng shui and take into account your personal favorable directions, which are calculated on the basis of date of birth and sex of the child. Besides, you can distribute nurseries according Poslenebesnomu Order of the Eight Diagrams or Bagua. In addition, remember that the child has the energy Yang.

Therefore, I advise you to fill your room with bright and light colors. In the children must be feeling "the pulse of life" or the child will be afraid of open spaces. For example, here would be appropriate cuckoo clock, hobby, music center, a cage with parrots, etc. But if a child is hyperactive, then you should not make out his bedroom too yang, for example poisonous crimson or ultra-violet, colors, and yes even give light weight of its posters with such rock stars such as Marilyn Manson or Ozzy Osbourne.
Observe the balance of Yin and Yang. Prefer peaceful images. For example, instead of a bloodthirsty dinosaur hang a friendly dolphin, rather than a predatory tiger with open mouth - nice kitty, etc. Also beware of images of symbols of the war such as tanks, guns, warships, fighter jets, etc. Because they generate a large number of hostile and aggressive energy in the child's bedroom.

I often had to watch the children's bedrooms, which have L-shaped, as well as non-parallel walls. These configurations are not very favorable. Naturally, if this is not a private house, in standard apartments, we can not move the wall as we please. In such cases, we have the support of good feng shui and recommends a wall, screen, curtain, as shown in the figure. Many books are advised to hang up a mirror to improve the feng shui bedroom, but the mirrors need to act very cautiously! Thus, your child's room takes the form of regular rectangle.
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