Feverweed flat-from the evil eye, damage
Feverweed flat-exorcise, helps with damage to dementia and paralysis.
• feverweed flat-fumigate a room for an exorcism, and stalks of dry grass laid in the rooms.
• It helps in the damage associated with dementia, schizophrenia and paralysis. 3st. l. grass in the evening to put in a thermos and pour boiling water 3stakanami. In the morning strain and drink in small portions throughout the day.
• Decoction of herbs treat fear in children.
• A strong decoction of herbs helps with edema, insomnia, swelling of feet and stopped monthly.
• The difficult birth broth watered childbirth.
• Broth in damp cold weather helps to chill the body. They rinse their mouths with a toothache.
• The root helps anacatharsis, as well as in chronic expiration of fluid from the uterus.
• If haemoptysis to feverweed added in equal amounts St. John's wort and yarrow.
• feverweed increases the separation of urine and sweat, eliminates congestion in various organs, helps with cough, causes and strengthens menstruation, reduce and stop spasms and cramps, relieves pain and has antitoxic action.
• Infusion of herbs taken for headaches, whooping cough, rheumatism, toothaches, anemia, scrofula and dropsy, urine retention, and kidney and urinary tract diseases, convulsions, twitching eyelids.