Fifth House
Different capabilities in accordance with the Radix. Increases ambitions, especially in love. Strengthens initiative and enterprise in achieving the goal. Generally makes the creator and tells a certain nobility if Radix identifies the data card.
Desire reliability in love. Emphasizes the games, sports and popularity. Women especially favor the conception and birth of the child (but weaker than in the signs of Leo, Scorpio and Gemini). May be an indicator of recreational trips mess squaring the Sun and the Moon). May also indicate a diplomatic success, popularity, and highlights the signs Cancer and Taurus.
Makes sense to sift through a sieve of the mind. Conducive to teaching and
contacts with young people (if this is indicated by Radix). Possible relationship with a younger woman in a man's horoscope.
Often, a new love. Favors all the values of this house. With a good aspect of Uranus: successful speculation, with a good aspect of Jupiter: communications, developing in institutionalized; connection with the sun: the perfect love, if this does not hinder the analogy of the mark.
Excessive penchant for sports, games, entertainment, extravagance. Women:
the possibility of conception in childbirth. General adverse situation in the female horoscope, except in the case when Mars is dominant VII house.
Good cases in contacts with others, entertainment, recreation. For women: pregnancy. Unfavorable aspect is the predominance of the instincts, the tendency to extravagance.
Adverse impact on the instinctual life. Very strong influence, if Radix Saturn is in the I or V of the house. Then realizes the influence of diesel fuel as specified Radix. In Mercurian signs, the position indicates a tendency to selfishness or dissatisfaction.
UranIntensifikatsiya instinctual life, a child's horoscope indicates the school affairs and conflicts. Reverses the life of feelings, affections, and gives a link, which is usually (unless there are contrary indications in the Radix and the good aspects of Jupiter to Uranus) will not be legalized.
May indicate the teaching of mystical knowledge, or the birth of a spiritual ideal. Women: Hope for pregnancy or a loved one away.
May indicate sexual deviation or a fatality about love. Force of passion. Possible death or the creation of the Child. Effect on fertility.