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Find out their karmic problem

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Find out their karmic problem
Individual horoscope, drawn up by date, time and place of your birth, will tell not only about your character and the events that occur or may occur, but also in the horoscope will be present signs that indicate your primary goal in life. These signs are called "Karmic nodes" - they will point your mission with which you have been sent to Earth.

The law of karma

According to the law of reincarnation, each of us incarnates on Earth, not just once, we come back to learn something, correct their mistakes. Do your karma is the law, and it works quite simply. For example, in a past life you were the darling of fate, a lot of fun and travel, any your whim performed. In this life, your every endeavor will be given to you with great difficulty, you will always be to seek out possible ways to implement their projects, and you have to work hard and ability to translate our plans into reality.

There are other manifestations of karma - a man always carries, his life was cloudless, there is stability and prosperity. This can be a reward for past suffering, it is possible that in a past life of this man haunted misery, disease and poverty. As you can see the law of karma, although sometimes harsh, but fair. Very often people find it difficult to decide which way to go? What to do, what to do? Find yourself and work out their problems will help you to astrologers and your intuition. Often ask ourselves about what you want, do you that much.

Rahu and Ketu

In the natal chart karmic knots have two aspects: the ascending and descending. Ascendant is called "dragon's head", or Rahu, downstream "tail of the dragon," or Ketu. Symbols of the descending node - a bowl that is filled with our actions, so this site will show our past experience, what we have earned karma. Symbol of the ascending node is also the cup, but the upside is a symbol of what all we have is prepared, we must drink to the dregs. Ascending node indicates how we should work out their karma, in what area.

In astrology, certain areas of a person's life reflect the 12 homes. Depending on to what House has got your karmic knot can be said for what you pay and what your mission on Earth. Ascending and descending karmic nodes are always opposite each other. Those characteristics which are summarized in this article, because in addition to the house must necessarily take into account the sign of the zodiac, which is the karmic knot, as well as its position relative to other planets.

The path of personal growth and savings

If the ascending node is karmic in the first house of horoscope, it means that your main purpose to grow as a person and improve your self. Mirror descending node is in the seventh house, and this house of partnership, in past incarnations, you were very active in the society may do more for others than for themselves, so it's time to do them.

Ascending node of the second house - the House of the spiritual and material savings, which means you need to accumulate knowledge and learn to make the material accumulation. Descending node is in the eighth house - a house someone else's money, death, mystery and mysticism. Rather, in a past life you were poor, possibly involved in occult practices. In this life you do not want to resort to magic.

If the ascending node is in the third house - the House of siblings and close relatives, as well as the House of Education, it means your purpose in life and teaching of family ties. Descending node is located in the Ninth House - House of understanding the philosophy of life and higher education. We can assume that you are in a past life was more interested in abstract things, you were cut off from reality. In this life you have to be closer to things of this world to pay attention to education and family.

If the ascending node is in the fourth house - his parents' home - you just need to care for their parents, to help financially and morally. You will be able to achieve more in life if you will live, where they were born. Descending node is in the tenth house - the House's social status and work. In a past life you get too carried away with career and work, so in this life to move up the career ladder will be obstacles, so that you could spend more time with family and home.

The path of creativity and service

Ascending node is in the fifth house - the House of children, love and creativity. Care for children and self-expression should be your priority. Fifth house is not house of marriage, so be prepared for the fact that not all hobbies will end with a family. Descending node is in the Eleventh House - House of communication, friends, self-sacrifice. In a past life you were doing too much for friends, totally ignoring their own needs and the needs of their children.

If the ascending node is in the sixth house - the House of work and health - it's time to work. Must work regardless of salary, work hard, even if you do not like it, and there is no career growth! Healthy lifestyles and work - your main task! Why such a purpose? Descending node is in the Twelfth House - the House of loneliness. In a past life you were separated, could also be a cripple and a long time spent in hospitals. Now is the time for work.

If the ascending node is in the Seventh House - the House of partnership and family - it means that your loneliness is contraindicated. Need to tune in for a serious relationship, family and children. How can we communicate more and be in society. Descending node is the first house, and therefore in a past life you much time to his own "I" involved self-knowledge and looking for meaning in life. It's time to interact with others.

If the ascending node is in the eighth house - the House of death and mysticism - your task is to comprehend all the elements of esoteric practices. Healing, ekctrosensorika, astrology and magic may be your profession or a hobby. Descending node in the second house suggests that in a past life you have paid much attention to material values and traditional knowledge.

The path of altruism and loneliness

If the ascending node is located in the Ninth House - House of the philosophy of life abroad, and higher education - the most successful your life will emerge abroad. Descending the karmic knot is in the third house - the House of contacts and learning, it means that your family and friends you have paid in a past life enough attention, and it's time to do them.

If the ascending node is in the tenth house - the House's social status, achievement and career - which means you have to deal with their professional growth and work to focus on your personal growth. Descending node is the fourth building, which means that in a past life you have fully committed themselves to a home.

If the ascending node is in the Eleventh House - House of self-sacrifice - you have to overcome their selfishness, and learn to not only take but give. Descending node is in the fifth house - the House of children, love and creativity, in a past life feelings of other people have little worried, it's time to sacrifice its interests for the sake of others.

If the ascending node is in the Twelfth House - House of Solitude - you need more to be alone, to engage in self-knowledge and philosophy. Sometimes loneliness can be associated with serious illness. Descending node in the sixth house - in a past life you have too much work for the good of others.

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