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Flexibility and multi dimensionality of the mind

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Flexibility and multi-dimensionality of the mind

The mind has several useful properties that are important to train and use for the purpose:

1) giving values;

2) flexibility;

3) multidimensionality;

4) Focus.

We often think that we divine values, recognize the meaning of what is happening, that we see and hear, and indeed that happens, there is no sense in addition, that we are we give the phenomena, events and people. Knowing this, we can use the mind to what is going to give those values that will support us, not oppress. For example, when you hear criticism from someone else, you can give it a value: "I do not like him because of me that something is wrong" - and upset about this. Can you give a different meaning: "He criticizes me because I upset, irritated, uncomfortable and bad" - and start to feel differently. Of course, that of what value you will add an event, independent, and your future actions, not just health.
For example, in the first version you can begin to defend, justify or simply become frustrated and withdraw into themselves. You can start to force yourself, squeezing into the image that you intended. You can begin to accuse in return. In the second case you can just show compassion and ask the other what he needs from what it is so bad. It is clear that such actions lead to different results in communication. In order to practice the values of giving, we make the following exercise. You might find that by giving meaning, you are relying on their fantasies about the other, and not really happening stuff. Here comes to the rescue is another function of the mind - focusing.

Focus - is the ability to accurately identify how and from which I draw is the importance of what is happening, which I draw, describe the subtle phenomena of what is happening and check out if everything is as I see, or not. For example, you look at who met a woman and think: "Stylish". On what grounds do you define? If you pay attention, you will find that this value of the sum you have several parts: her clothes matched in tone and accessories match clothes by color and texture, the hair was done neatly and tastefully, and the makeup matches her hair. And so on. Focus - is the ability to see the details that make up your value.

Accordingly, if you do not find real evidence, details for which can rely on to build value, it could mean that the meaning you attach to an event, organized not based on real events and based on your past experience, not the actual now. Reality Check - a process complicated and time consuming, but by exercising, you'll find that much better targeting in the world and through this best of decisions, thereby changing for the better all his life.

Flexibility and multi-dimensionality of the mind provide an opportunity to see the situation from different angles and, accordingly, to find more values, opportunities and ways to resolve situations. To feel it, we give our different training exercises. One of the exercises: take a sheet of paper, crushed it and put on the floor in the center of the psychological group, offering each participant silently write three or four adjectives that describe this subject. Then all the participants in turn read out what they got. Coincidences happen one out of twenty. That's what they write about the participants:

1) white, clean, crumpled;

2) abandoned, battered, lonely.

And so on. How many participants - many combinations.

Exercise: we ask that someone from our friends, but who do not know the participants in the group, quickly enter the room, grab some object such as a chair, a sheet of paper, felt pens, a book (but something that is not personally thing any of the members of the group), and run out. Participants we did not warn you. After that, we ask participants to describe what happened. Describe the radically different! One man says: "The thief ran" and another: "ran a gay man and cleared the air", the third: "Someone needed help urgently," the fourth: "He forgot something here."

Naturally, each party interprets the events through the prism (lens) of his experience. The importance that we attach compels us to respond to an event in a certain way. For example, someone who saw a man a thief will experience fear or anger, and base their actions on the basis of these feelings. Anyone who saw the rescue, looking for the desired object, most likely, they were troubled, too, and either will help or will clarify what happened and are not threatened if that happened, and himself. And how many values - as many options in that situation. It is not hard to guess that our actions in our life is entirely dependent on the value that we attach to events taking place.

You can conduct this exercise with your friends using any object or any phenomenon. For example, as entertainment. It is not hard to imagine that the difference in perception determines the way in which we organize or blocks your path to happiness. If you do not develop your mind, you have little opportunity to see the world in such a way as to see in it the fulcrum of your happiness, build, pave the way, using all the opportunities that only exist in the world. Each of us sees the world through the lenses of our own experience, and if we do not train your mind, you will always see the world as the past, both missed opportunities and a sense of unfinished, and not as a possibility. Law of physics states that: "The observer affects the observed." The device is the lens through which we see the world depends entirely on how often we cleanse them.

To ensure that we satisfy their impulses, they must be understood and interpreted, to meet them must be devised suitable way. Richer than our imagination, so refined, better and more diverse, we can meet their needs. It is important to go deep into themselves or go into the world, but just go to walk, crawl, fly, move ballast unnecessary information, stop rushing from one to another, and walk purposefully. It is important to use the properties of the mind to look into the present, not the past or future.
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