Flirt with other men
You began to notice that after found my love, have not lost interest in the opposite sex, you still rate the men on public transport and flirting at work. As it describes your feelings? Immediately, I note that if you do not pass reasonable limits, then everything is normal, do not worry: your habit to flirt and estimation of other men - not a cause for concern. Women are no less than men, are able to appreciate the beauty of the opposite sex. This is not a crime, if you're noticing fine built man, was detained on it look a little longer acceptable standards of decency.
Need to worry if you have intentionally attempted to attract the attention of strange men. As you know, everything is good in moderation, once you are forgiven for zasmotretsya cute guy, but if you go near his beloved and shoot the eyes right and left, if you turn around at the passers-by and answering smile a smile strange men - it is already alarming . It can not just not like your chosen one, but would indicate that you are still undecided of his only. Such behavior as you would represent all the people that you're free and ready to get acquainted and to further relations and walking next to you gentleman - another victim of your charms. If you want to save your relationship if you value your feelings - then try to wean from the habit of "shooting eyes."
As for flirting, there are also important - do not cross the border. If you have a habit of smiling friends and men to kiss them when they met - such conduct may be reprehensible, if your young people are not against these antics on your part. But if you allow yourself to be a fairly easy and revealing clothes, if you constantly "hangs" on the neck of your colleagues at work, if your conversation every now and then slip unambiguous hints of a possible affinity with other men - then under the threat turns out to be not only your reputation but your feelings in general. Your behavior may be seen as defiant, which is intended to declare that you are under no obligation, that your relationship with current partner could be called free.

Remember that if you have a young man and you feel for him infinitely strong feeling that your heart should be no room for anyone else, should not be the slightest hint that this place was vacant. flirting with other men may mean that you are simply not ready for a serious relationship. Another danger: do not be too stiff in dialogue with men, even if you believe that you have found the love of life, this does not mean that you have no right to talk with other members of the opposite sex, they smile and look them straight in the eye, afraid that they consider it a hint. Just be yourself - and your beloved will appreciate.