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Flying Asleep and Awake

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Flying Asleep and Awake

Imagine that a tasty and healthy dream can be ordered as a dessert at a restaurant. Or every night to view a new reality "series" with the same characters as a "soap opera". Wanted - and got rid of in a dream hated pounds, look younger by six years and went on vacation to Mars, or, at worst, in Bali. Who has enough imagination for that. You do not need to be an advanced scholar, psychic subtle psychic organization or member of a secret experiment is covered by thousands of wires. Artless enough to master the technique of conscious or controlled, dreams. Through regular mental and physical manipulation you learn to understand exactly what is in a dream, to dispose of "image", to establish spontaneous familiarity with other characters (either Adriano Celentano, or Miracle-Yudo swamp) and even "rehearse" the future.

In the U.S., lucid dreaming technique, first used for the treatment of survivors of severe tragedy, disaster and war. Day of "victim of Dreams" is able to cope with the memories, but the terrible events of the night back to them again and again. By learning to control dreams, they can easily change their nightmares to innocuous and pleasant dreams.
Lucid dreaming has long reached beyond psychological research and ceased to be the prerogative of a select number of people. "In order to start managing the dreams, you need to understand that naturally comes to you every night - warns the therapist. - Once you learn how to work with the alphabet of dreams, you can proceed to the next level. "

For the development of lucid dreaming techniques in the course are dozens of techniques and tricks. For those who can not achieve this "natural method" or by force of will offer a stimulant - technical means (eg electronic armbands with sensors) and medications (pills with caffeine or glycine).

The first thing a person should develop a fantasy. So, one of the techniques being in a restaurant, park, subway or car traffic, carefully observe the people around you and imagine what dreams they could see last night. In the future it will help you create scripts for your own dreams. Carefully look around colleagues. That's news editor Joan hangs somewhere in the jungle instead of girlfriends King Kong, producer Maria im run from his pursuers on the new Volkswagen Touareg, director of special projects Olga hard way through fallen trees, well, or are considering at the Tretyakov Gallery painting "Morning in a Pine Forest" , inspired by the shooting of Roman Sarkisov, and the editor of Sati in anticipation of the honeymoon (as there was in Freud?) is flying somewhere in the clouds, or running up the stairs.

Professional dreamer knows exactly how to breathe correctly, in what position to lie and that is before bedtime. It is easiest to handle the Sony - for "understanding" needed to sleep at least eight hours, and ideally all 11.

Dream - a Delphic oracle, and the main control lever - correctly a question whose answer you want. In the top most popular searches in a dream: the quest for meaning in life (What can I do? What is my purpose?) Showdown (Why should I be with this person?) Financial turmoil (Why is the money I do not like "Where the husband hides salary?) And health problems (Why me? "Why would I?). Do not assume that, in response to finding the right career you dream of nurses uniforms of the Red Cross or the catwalk at Fashion Week in Paris. Tips "oracle" are the same ambiguous and sometimes absurd as normal dreams, and require more careful interpretation.

Before diving into the ordered sleep is important to consider not only the question, but the script. Must be repeated within a day 5-6 times and then it all again say just before falling asleep. Aerobatics - wake up in about 4,5-6 hours, again on the challenge and immerse themselves in an ordered dream. This technique is hone during the course management dreams.

Get ready, the first conscious dream can cause shock. Much thus depends on human behavior in ordinary life. Closed and shy people, once they have ordered in a dream start to study in detail themselves, but are born talkers, in contrast, quickly knotted acquaintance with other characters. According to unofficial sources, many of the "power users" begin to actively engage in sex with all the characters indiscriminately.

You can dream and with the continuation of creating whole "sleepy series. Perhaps the scenario of "Santa Barbara" came to its creators in a dream, as happened with the periodic table?

Not too far from the true author of the film "Home" with Leonardo DiCaprio. Group dreams really possible. "The trainings have been instances where someone from the participants missed a class - says Boris Suvorov. - Missing students were told that the day of "truancy" they dreamed of a group or sleep on the lessons they could not know. This is called a group process of sleep. " This also applies to our everyday environment that affects us not only directly but also unconsciously, including our dreams.

Finish the story on Thursday night and see a dream. Crazy sale December issue and a bunch of grateful letters from readers. They say that on Thursday dream prophetic dreams. We'll see.
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