Forget about the worries!
The problem of liberation from anxiety and causeless alarm is one of the most important and serious issues of our time. People are worried for a variety of reasons: trouble at work, strained family relations, with close ... Anxiety poisons life, interferes with focus on the essential: the pressing issues. You can extract a common course of conduct which will help if you do not get rid of him, then at least tightly control these negative manifestations.
In some countries, the WHO European states associated with stress are the primary cause of absenteeism, and the damage to society as a result of sickness benefit and the loss of working days, more and more increases. Results of studies show that 50-60% of the total loss of working time in these countries are the result of the influence of stress. Fear, anxiety, worry, hatred, irritability and inability to adapt to reality - this is mainly rooted causes of gastric diseases in general, and gastric ulcers in particular. Anxiety can destroy health, even very good man. It can rivet you to a wheelchair, denying the ability to move from rheumatism or arthritis.
The most common causes of concern:
1.Neschastlivy marriage.
2.Finansovaya disaster or misfortune.
4.Zataennaya long anger or resentment at someone.
5.Neuverennost in their own abilities.
6.Privychka delve into the past instead of living in the present.
7.stremlenie to listen to outsiders.
Rules to overcome anxiety
You love life? You do not want to die young? You want to enjoy life? You do not like to hurt? " Forget about anxiety! Begin to carry out your wishes now! To this end, the following rules:
Rule 1:
If you want do not want to worry, live today and not think about the future. Just live a day as you want, and go to bed.
Rule 2:
If your life is a problem, which puts you into a blind alley, try the following tips:
1.Predstavte worst-case scenario.
2.Podgotovtes accept it, if another opportunity was not offered.
3.Spokoyno make steps towards improving the situation with which you mentally reconciled.
Rule 3:
Do not forget that stress does not improve your health.