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Formation of consciousness of modern man

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Formation of consciousness of modern man

How formed consciousness of modern man? Firstly, through the family. Since childhood, stay in the womb, in communicating with parents in the human mind forms the first images of the world. And they form a large part, interest forty, the whole picture of life. The second highest value and volume of information is public education system, which constitutes about thirty percent are necessary for life representations. Twenty per cent - twenty-five gives informal communication in society: television, friends, books ... And five - ten percent of self-development. Here are the main sources of information, forming a view of life and then creates the very life of man. Resulting from mental images and thinking person and determine its life.

Education - The foundation stone of world

Compulsory education has a great impact on people's minds and on the formation of the consciousness of modern man . It provides a third image of a picture of the world, a significant part of the cultural foundations of human and, therefore, defined as at least thirty percent of all occurring events in his life. This is quite a lot. And that provides the education system? If the experts of the educational system were aware that the program they give children, brings not only knowledge, as such, but also forms of life, it would apply to their work with greater responsibility.

Understanding the importance of education entails a different level of responsibility and a different approach. If we really want human happiness, it is necessary to lay in his mind images of a happy life. Culture of a happy life - that should be borne by education. The modern system of education covered by the global crisis. What is it? The state needs professionals, workers, soldiers, law-abiding citizens ... But he does not care whether a person is happy, if it harmoniously developed. The competence of the public education system does not apply to these questions. Ministry of Education is a public entity and executes an order of the State, properly shaping the educational program. Higher education seeks to meet the needs of not only the state but also business and trains specialists in their field. And here we have high school graduates whose knowledge enables them to work or study in higher educational institutions. Next, we get college graduates - specialists in any area of activities of professionals. But they understand in a happy life? After all, life is much harder for any cause, any profession. Formed in the minds of the school, in college and pretty much an image maker in the family and determines the proper life. Such a person finds work the main content of life. And happiness, love - that's as lucky ...

Such a "working" consciousness is formed not only in men, but that is especially unfortunate, and in women. They also become specialists, professionals ... It is no wonder that life is working, professional and ... miserable. And here's a woman, for which the principal should be a condition, not activity, losing femininity and ability to find happiness ... Modern education creates in the minds of boys and girls the same way of life that leads to a leveling of masculine and feminine. This, in turn, generates a lot of life crises: health problems, which manifest themselves through the gynecological diseases, prostatitis, alcoholism, drug abuse, difficulties in the families or the creation of families of birth, health and child-rearing, the inability to implement creative, homosexuality and other sexual problems ...

The Russian education system overloads the students of knowledge, which leads to the development of their internal disharmony. Overloaded mind, open heart weak, underdeveloped body - that characterizes the modern student. The so-called German, the grading system of education based on the use of the principle of carrots and sticks no longer able to educate harmoniously developed person. About this time to think and parents, and those responsible for public education. Especially in the world are well known examples of a more harmonious upbringing. For example, in Norway, primary education lasts up to fifteen years. And it's not so much education as the harmonious upbringing, when attention is paid to the physical, aesthetic and spiritual development of children. Another emerging body of a child can not be overloaded. Especially the mind, consciousness of the child. And after fifteen years of Norwegians receive secondary education.

And high school is divided into two streams: one direction is chosen by those who are preparing to work specialties, and another - for those who wish to pursue higher education. But before going to university should be sure to finish college, where students can enroll and one, and another thread. And today, Norway has a fairly harmonious society and is one of the top five countries in terms of life. In our own girls, overloaded form, by the end of the school observed abnormalities in reproductive functions.

Congestion knowledge, no systematic and targeted sex education and the rejection of the formation of images of family and happy life - all are manifestations of the crisis of the existing educational system was at the forefront of identity formation and creating preconditions set of future challenges in life. On the crisis in the education system is the fact that culture and education are separated from each other. I have already mentioned that the Ministry of Culture should be the first ministry in the state. Education shall be administered by the Ministry of Culture as an important and integral part of it. With this approach, we can quickly reach the first position in the world and live without crises.
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