Formula of Happiness
Often we feel that we have something missing. Not knowing - which, in thought, opening the refrigerator. And purely on the machine - eat. Or drink beer. Or close the fridge, but we go to the theater, because a feeling does not sit at home. Or call up friends and do the same (eat, drink, walk). ... Something is missing ... what? In Soviet literature found a patriotic theme - each day walking to work, understand that your work is needed to people. Here it is! - "People need." What is missing? Not enough recognition from people!
Awareness of its importance in society brings satisfaction. But the society for us - again. First - the family. The society is friendship, duty, respect, responsibility. All this is also in the family. And the family is love, which is not in society. Family connection stronger than links of society. And what the state in personal and social terms, we might call "happiness"? Happiness - it's when you need someone who you roads. A formula for happiness - is the sum of public and private components.
Happiness has two components: personal and public. Personal part - you need to (are) person (s), which (s) you love. The public component - in you need the people with whom there is no love. Both components together make "perfect happiness"
HAPPINESS: we have to wait for him? or we can take it yourself?
Every (healthy) people want to own happiness. Everybody wants to get satisfaction from their lives. We are waiting for happiness, and having received it, just get the problem - keep it. It is important to know how to take good fortune. And no less important to know how to keep happy.
Try to understand this by examples. With examples from literature to be careful. Phrases such as "women's happiness - would have been pretty close" is empty poetic images that have nothing in common with the villain-bitch-life and destiny.
Happiness is not the essence of an external, happiness is the essence of interior. It's - state of mind. (Or, to put it clear - the human psyche).
And here it is useful to better define for themselves - what sort of condition exists, which we call happiness? What responses can we get the interaction of our mental organization with the outside world around us?
Happiness is a fact that there is in our blood hormone serotonin, endorphins and the like.
This state is when you are most hormones "walk" through the blood vessels of a man who says: "I'm happy!". So what should a man for happiness? Again! And it is necessary that the blood was an excess of these hormones. But if you look at the opposite direction? The reasons for these hormones will be deficit? For what reasons a person may be deeply unhappy? A very clear example cited Leo Tolstoy.
We represent the peasant. Pestilence, famine, fire ... Hail broke all the crops. Wolves killed a single horse. A cow had previously taken for debts. Of the ten children, six died of hunger ... And imagine the lady. Countess. She lies in her bedroom, and satin edge blankets folded ugly. Servants had just laid off and have the most correct blanket ... So, the level of unhappiness in the body-mind may well be quite the same!
Of misfortune, I suppose, is clear. And what of happiness? Do not buy happiness, the same hormones in pharmacies! They are there simply are not selling. We need the external, visible attributes of happiness. We are so accustomed to. First, we need the conditions for happiness. True, right? External aspects of our lives for many define the conditions under which a person may say that he is happy. Sometimes, it is enough to throw in the dustbin of an old washing machine that works in a single mode - laundry, and buy a new machine, as the hostess may cry - I'm happy! And it will be right in his utterance.
Or more. Almost impossible to imagine happiness without love. It is true that poverty inhibits the full expression of love. (Wallace D. Uotlz). But when temporarily there is some amount that you can spend, the love for a certain period is replaced by shopping, and this short period of buying and trying on new clothes, the body "walk" happy hormones. It is true that happiness is replaced then satisfaction of shopping. And love is generally somewhere touched ... But to hell with it, with love, not about love, we're talking about, right?
Here is an example of the creativity of Anton Chekhov.
In the story "Rendezvous, while held, but ..." schoolboy studs, dreaming of a familiar young lady named Sonya, exclaims: "With it, I find my happiness!" Here! That's about what we say! This young man wanted to find, buy happiness for yourself, that is - to take good fortune. Do not give. And to take it. And now the question is: is a state of happiness can someone give? And for a while that happiness can be from someone else to take? Or is it the state should wait - that's the main thing! The main thing, but not all. For those who want to be happy in any way, it is useful to be aware of and path to it. So, wait? or take? There are only two attitudes, two ways of acquiring happiness in your life:
1.Schaste can wait.
2.Schaste can take.
And these two positions lie in the personal qualities of man. As an exception to give the same yet a third position, when everything seems for happiness. This is crazy. Or to be intoxicated. But it's not even an exception, and incidents. Do not mention them.
If someone close to you lives in a state of well-being and prosperity, if someone close to you lives in harmony with the surrounding world, if someone close to you happy, and some do not, then these positions and explain these differences. Who is happy is happiness has taken. Who is unhappy that happiness awaits. He lives and waits. He lives with the hope of happiness.
Special emphasis for those who live with the hope of happiness. We all know the phrase "hope springs eternal", and hardly anybody thought about the meaning of this phrase. Over a very deep meaning. A sense of this - hope to die (disappear) after us. And the depth of meaning lies in the fact that we always die before the implementation of their hopes .- The logical chain. Hope never (!) Is not true. But sometime after she dies! And it will be after us.
The penultimate link in the logical chain is: who lives with the hope of happiness, the happiness in your life will not see. And final link, the final conclusion will be as follows: happiness must be taken. In other words - do your own happiness. Very accurate saying: "Every architect of his own happiness."
We all know Leo Tolstoy said, a remarkable phrase:
"Stop waiting for unexpected gifts of life. It's time to make life itself. "
And the same opponents, who opposes the physical embodiment of the phrase "hope springs eternal, it must be remembered idiom of the Russian language:
-Hope dies last
-Dreams come true.
Great and mighty Russian. And the phrase has deeper meaning. But it is, to the word.
And by the way: among the urge to action that you have?
Or simply "Wishlist".
And your happiness to which category? And what sort of methodology for determining how to achieve his own happiness, do you use?