Formula of Love
Explanation of the concept of "love" I would like to give a brief, concise, understandable. With straightforward interpretation. Without presenting here the whole logical chain, once denoted a conclusion. The formula of love : "Passion" plus "Respect" plus "willingness to make sacrifices." And he went on explaining. First passion. That feeling that they take for love. When the mind fog. When his eyes shine. And in the abdomen appears languor. Reactions in the body. Chemical. Passion - this is when there is a feeling close to madness.
But if the passion is added to the respect, it is already falling in love. When there is passion, what it means - "want". When there is respect for what it is - do not want to cause inconvenience, the more pain the second side. When the second side view is interesting and often authoritatively. But the third component, as a test of sexual maturity as a criterion of truth - a willingness to make sacrifices. The third argument - as an independent sense of how the identity of Love. Is in your love life or not, you live in love or just peacefully exist, to understand, it turns out, is simple. Look for a sense of self-sacrifice. And if it is, it means you like. Finding your sense of self-sacrifice, looking for a sense of sacrifice for the sake of you. The feeling from the back side. From its second half. If there is a sacrifice for you, then you are loved!
"You ..." plus "You ..." is equal to the mutual love.
Home and affirming of love, the most noble sense - the sense of victimhood. And the feeling that in itself means love. Love for the Motherland, in the recent past, means that a person lives and works not for the sake of wealth and prestige for the sake of the homeland, that is, deliberately sacrifices his wealth. Now - Russia in the past - the Soviet Union. Love for children is whether or not it is also estimated level of sacrifice. Caring - only a part of this notion.
Perhaps now would be the most interesting proposition. Know that the passion with time passes, but love remains. How to be the original definition, with the stated formula? As now applies to a combination of passion + Respect + Ready sacrifice? Question: How is it that we understand that passion and love belong to one incarnation? Love for children after all - without passion! Love for children, it is a bit of respect and willingness to make sacrifices, as the primary sense. Love for the motherland? Let not the state.
What the heck is this country - administrative-territorial zone? As they say the Georgians, the home - a land where your ancestors are buried. Namely - land. No primer. A small area of the country. City. Village. Small habitat of people where there is still and the cemetery where your parents are buried. And if we add his childhood ... So, the love for the motherland is more similar to love going to the theater. Or the love of his work. Here the word "love" used the wrong address. But in this treatise, it is not about that. Here we look at the love between people. Here is the link and call his first concept - love.
Some love starts with a passion. Even if many people. And some is just a passion. Which they call love. Passion has passed, and these some say - love, not love. Or - love, fell out of love. If only - love, fallen out of love, it was not love. This instinct of reproduction vdaril in the head. As estrus in animals. Vdaril and disappeared. Were children and divorce. And love - was not. Love is from another area. You just have to not confuse the passion and love. Confusion permeated the literature, confusion pervades all art.
Formula of Love consists of three components: passion + respect + self-sacrifice
1.Strast is when "you want ...." Passion is based on physiology.
2.Uvazhenie is when to take your partner for who he is and think his actions right. Respect is based on ethics, morality and parenting qualities. Passion plus respect - equals love.
3.Zhertvennost is when you want your partner is not just good, not just a wish and do something good, but still have a desire to change yourself, there is a desire to donate their habits and all, all my (time, equipment, etc.). Sacrifice is based on trust.