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Fortune Teller magician or psychologist

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Fortune Teller - magician or psychologist

You probably know, or at least heard once, about Tarot cards. They beckon its antiquity, a kind of mysticism and magic. It is so great stretch on the table, 22 cards and learn about the past, present and future, sitting in front of us humans. And those who dream to explore this great science - divination by Tarot - should not continue reading this article. I'm feeling a bit spoiled hill and magic, diluting its pure science.

When we hear about the myths, we are always pursued one claim, which we blindly believe. As soon as we are talking about this or that myth, which still influence our present, treat it well - this is a very complicated thing, so complex that we have, down to earth people, it does not recognize. We can only speculate about its true content. Because all the ancient sages lived and believed in it, it means they have all truly knew, and concealed, very carefully so that we can never guess how it all actually situation.
And why not vice versa? If the ancient priests fortune to have a modern Tarologa, they would have been covered by rough surprise and delight of his skill. Conversely, if we have unearthed and brought back to life some of the ancient priest, and would ask us to guess what our disappointment there would be no limit, because the kind of rubbish, which he drew from the alignment of the Tarot does not fit in with us. Why? Because Tarolog, during a divination, has some influence on the reptile. His voice messages - this is the first appliances trance induction, which itself will generate the desired reality, the efforts of the client. The ancient priest manipulates in his speech, religious, cultural, ideological, imaginative, symbolic, and many other messages that do not currently have any logical basis, and therefore does not affect us. I will explain in detail.

Imagine that you came to me, and I am a great gadalshik-tarolog. I weep card and say, frowning: "I feel, smell, sometimes you feel like chocolate." Many of you zaprotestuyut and zamashut hands, saying: nothing of the kind we do not want! And when I say: "Do you sometimes want to eat something sweet." I am sure that 95% of readers do sometimes worry that desire. But it would be - chocolate cake or a piece of refined sugar - all of this, think up yourself. I'm talking generally, but you have already within themselves, find the one detail that will give you the right to think that I'm not in vain - the great-gadalshik tarolog.

About as much real tarologi tell us that in the past with us there was some trouble, and so far it affects our lives. But we do confiscate from personal experience, memories, about how a child died in our dog's favorite ball, and a very long time we thought about the meaning of life. Which, of course, has left its mark on our behavior, and we are now afraid of death. This is a great way to influence. I say: "You just do not like rain!" And you have every right to throw rotten tomatoes at me, because it is not (well, for half the readers - exactly). And when I say: "You do not like bad weather." Then, you will rejoice that got to excellent tarologu. Cause I'm so simple and easy to find out what you dislike. And the fact that for someone to bad weather it is - a sunny day, and someone really believes that the bad weather comes along with the rain, I did not specify. You do it for me. That is why, the wisest sages of the past now, would look ridiculous because he does not know how to manipulate the messages.

Come on. Tarolog said: "I see in your household have serious problems. What ails you? "In your address make judgments. And you have to do it or to refute or agree with him. But the question is posed so that it is impossible to disprove, then you could not help agreeing. And, agreeing, you are doing this assessment completed, and once you can answer the question (which you are concerned), because the first part you have already agreed.

Now you understand, if in time to speak generally, a person often has to refer to himself, to his experience to flesh out these generalizations, fill them with life and meaning. And if the people all the time turns and turns to his experience, but he kept talking and talking, then he falls into a trance.

It's no secret that everyone wants to hear in your address some uplifting his identity assertion. Let's call it plain and simple - a compliment. It is worth tarologu throw you a piece of candy, and you bezzagovorochno believe him. Example: "You are a very talented man. But something stops you to display their talents. " Of course, you are glad to hear it. Even if you yourself such and not considered, but now you realize why. You also have something to hurt! In order to enhance the effect, I can "slightly" to doubt the conclusions of the cards. Maps show your great talent and I, because for some reason, this little doubt. You, of course, believe cards. They can not lie. They Taro (in fact, you like sweet candy, about your talent). Then I cheschu head and finally (ura!), find the cause of their doubts. You sigh with relief (well, you see), and after that, every word that proceeds from the cards to be true.

Very interesting you will find that this tarolog all these techniques are not used. Consciously. More precisely, he is using them, but not specifically considering. Our consciousness is not able to hold more than nine units at once. This means that everything we do, it's usually subconscious skills. We are working like machines. If we had all passed through the mind, then went crazy, even before they just crossed the road on a zebra. Three cars on the right, two left, three-color traffic lights, one off, we have a zebra, to meet other pedestrians .... Everything. You are already crazy. We do all this unconsciously. Likewise tarologi. They do not seek out a loophole in you, which you can climb. They do this on a subconscious level. And it turns out that they'll guess.

It does not matter on what anyone's guess. Coffee grounds, on playing cards, bones, on sticks. The main thing is always the same - the maximum disable consciousness, and to include the subconscious, because the latter is many times more efficient in computation speed and the search for the accuracy of the calculation, the volume of information processed.

But how is nice to believe that tarolog help us discover all the sources of bad luck. So when he asks us: what's bothering you, we begin to try to discover it in themselves. And let us do not bother to come to him (it was just a joke), then opened gadalschiku his soul, we unwittingly throws out all the accumulated negative, and naturally, we become happier. Oh, the glory of the great cards of the Tarot!

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